2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

NAFB President Passes the Gavel

Leah Guffey

_DSC2780As tradition has it, the gavel was passed during NAFB’s Friday night banquet. Mark Oppold with RFD-TV has greatly served the organization as the 2013 NAFB President. Emcee for the entertaining evening was Ken Root of Root Communications, a former colleague of Mark’s at AgriTalk. Friends and family of Mark took turns toasting his accomplishments and sometimes even roasting a memory or two.

I had a chance to catch up with him following the passing of the gavel and dinner with friends, family and colleagues alike. Mike Adams, who currently hosts AgriTalk also took time to narrate a video with some of Mark’s RFD-TV coworkers letting him know how proud they are of him and of course there were a few wise cracks along the way.

“I have been in this business for almost 40 years and it’s been an honor to be in the leadership the last three years to culminate tonight as the out going president. It’s very humbling. I’m very thankful.”

Past presidents also took their turn to wish Mark well, including last year’s president, Tom Steever. You can see how working together for the last three years on the board and as colleagues for many years has brought Mark and Tom closer together. Mark passed the gavel to now co-worker, Janet Adkison, who is stepping up in ranks as the 2014 NAFB President. I’d have to go back and look, but I’m not sure the transfer has ever happened in the same organization.

You can listen to my interview with Mark here Interview with NAFB President Mark Oppold

Checkout photos from NAFB Convention: 2013 NAFB Convention Photo Album

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