2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

The Science Behind BASF’s Herbicides

Jamie Johansen

basf-classic13-lukeThe research and development teams are the key to making BASF a household name among farmers. These biologists and chemists make it possible for BASF to stay innovative, provide solutions and create relationships with growers.

During Commodity Classic I was introduced to Luke Bozeman, Technical Marketing Manager in herbicides at BASF. Herbicide resistance is a on-going problem no matter what crop you grow and Luke shared what we will being seeing soon from BASF to solve this prevalent dilemma.

“Herbicide resistance has been a growing problem over the last several years and at BASF we’re excited about a new product that we haven’t developed yet or available yet, but Engenia has been designed to control some key resistant weeds including palmer pigweed, water hemp and ragweed in soybeans. We are excited about those technologies and how Engenia is going to help the farmers control those weeds in crops.”

“We are hopeful in 2014 all the approvals will be in place and we’ll be able to commercialize. There are still a lot of activities to go between now and then, but things are on track. It’s a very good technology and we’re excited it will be available in 2014.”

Luke and I also discussed what BASF is doing to face challenges and changes growers across the industry are seeing each growing season.

“We have an excellent R & D group that begins with our chemist in Germany and United States. Then our biology team in the United States range from field based biologists to biologists that are in our greenhouses and labs in North Carolina. They look out 8-10 years to try and define and determine what those key needs are going to be for growers and begin developing their programs to address those needs.”

Listen to my interview with Luke from here: Interview with Luke Bozeman

2013 Commodity Classic Photo Album

Audio, BASF, Commodity Classic, Research