RFA Ethanol Podcast

Converting from AFS/PFS to SMS Software

Melissa Sandfort

Insights WeeklyPrecision ag software … it’s necessary but can be, at times, daunting and confusing. There’s so much data growers need to compile and store from year to year, and data has really become a necessity versus a “perk” because it brings all of the information together in one place where growers can pencil out and see the value from the information and map out where their highest ROI potential lies.

CNH to SMS Conversion_v2

Luke James, Ag Leader SMS software sales manager, says Ag Leader now has the capabilities to convert current CNH users over to the Ag Leader SMS software system. Listen as he explains why data software is important to any grower’s operation.

Listen to James explain

ImportToSMSGraphicGrowers are accustomed to the CNH system and will be happy to know that converting is only a matter of a few button clicks. It’s the same software, same interface, and same technical support that comes along with it, just a different logo. Listen to James as he explains more about conversion benefits.

Listen to James explain

Read more about converting to SMS software here and to begin the process, call Ag Leader’s tech support at 515-232-5363 ext. 1 or email smsunlocks@agleader.com.

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