2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Thoughts From First USFRA Food Dialogues Panel

Chuck Zimmerman

Here are our first panelists from the New York Food Dialogues backstage after their session was completed this morning. I visited with almost all of them before we moved on to the next panel. They were tasked with talking about Media, Marketing and Healthy Choices.

Richard is a New York vegetable farmer. He says it was a little daunting to be up on the stage here at the Times Center. I can relate! He says the whole concept of the Food Dialogues is a good one and a correct one. He believes that “at no time in our history has agriculture done a better job than it’s doing today.”

You can listen to my interview with Richard here: Interview with Richard Ball

Next up during our first break today I spoke with Kat Kinsman, managing editor, CNN Eatocracy and Debbi Beauvais, RD, SNS, New York School Nutrition President and Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics spokesperson. Kat says she’s rarely happier than when she’s talking with farmers. She got a Twitter message during the session inviting her to a farm and says she’s going to “do it.” Debbi says we’re not doing a good job of marketing all the great things we’re doing, both farmers and those preparing school meals.

You can listen to my interview with Kat and Debbi here: Interview with Kat Kinsman & Debbi Beauvais

I had a great conversation with panelists Carolyn O’Neil, MS, RD, WebMD and Craig McNamara, California organic farmer. Carolyn says that by providing people with more and better information about their food and where it comes from they can make better choices about what they eat. Craig talked about how important it is to be transparent as a farmer. He wants people, especially young people to come out to the farm to make a connection with nature and learn more. He welcomes people to visit his farm.

You can listen to my interview with Craig and Carolyn here: Interview with Craig McNamara & Carolyn O'Neill

All media and well, just anyone, is free to use my photos and share: 2012 USFRA Annual Mtg. & Food Dialogues Photo Album

Ag Groups, Audio, Food, USFRA