2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Positive Outlook from AgCareers.com

Cindy Zimmerman

An analysis of 2011 trends from AgCareers.com yields a positive outlook for the agriculture industry in North American. AgCareers.com found that agriculture companies are anticipating gains, rewarding employees and looking to fill job openings with qualified talent.

The AgCareers.com newly published 2011 U.S. Agribusiness Job Report and 2011 Canadian Agribusiness Job Report found that job postings were up significantly from 2010, demonstrating the strength of the agriculture industry.

Jobs posted on AgCareers.com in 2011 included agronomy, crop protection/chemicals, biotechnology, dairy, and equipment/machinery, with a wide variety of career types, from manager to technician. The number of jobs posted in North America grew by 18% with over 43,000 jobs posted by companies in the United States and Canada in 2011. There were more than 26,000 jobs posted in the Midwest region of the United States (highest posting region on AgCareers.com). The largest number of applicants also came from the Midwest region.

This is the fourth year AgCareers.com has published the Agribusiness Job Report. The report contains information based on an analysis of jobs posted on AgCareers.com, job seeker activity on AgCareers.com, and insight from the employers using our services.

Coming up this summer, AgCareers.com will celebrate 10 years of the AgCareers.com Ag HR Roundtable with the event being hosted this year by Tyson Foods in Springdale, AR. The 10th annual Roundtable will be held August 7 – 9, 2012. The Roundtable is an annual conference that brings together human resource professionals, managers, university/college career services staff, and association representatives within the agribusiness industry to discuss high interest issues in recruitment and retention. At last year’s event, covered here on AgWired, they had a record high attendance of more than 190 participants from across North America.

We’ll be there – will you?
