Precision Spraying Assists Conservation

Chuck Zimmerman

The Conservation in Action Tour provided some really good opportunities to learn about a part of the country I don’t normally get to see while hearing about some issues that are important to all farmers and that includes new regulatory efforts for watersheds like the Chesapeake Bay. I’ll be continuing my coverage of the tour today and over the weekend so travel along with me.

The second farm we visited was Renwood Farms in Charles City County, VA. Our host was David Hula. The farm actually covers 5,000 acres in four counties and has earned multiple National Corn Yield Contest awards. David gave our tour group an overview of how they utilize bmp’s to mitigate environmental impact while increasing yields. In this video clip you’ll hear him talk about spraying using precision equipment.

Conservation In Action Tour 2010 Photo Album

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Ag Groups, Conservation, CTIC, Environment, Farming, Precision Agriculture, Video