send news release today

Background On New

Chuck Zimmerman

The first office I visited here at Meredith Corporation headquarters was that of Scott Mortimer (left). Visiting with us were my guide for the day, Curt Blades and Successful Farming Editor In Chief, Loren Kruse (right).

We had a conversation about why they rebuilt, the online home of Successful Farming magazine. Scott says it had been about 6 years since a major change of this magnitude had been conducted and the current effort actually started 2 years ago. I agreed with Loren that content is still king and even though the new website is employing some interesting new technology, farmers and ranchers will still find the same level of agricultural news and information they’ve always expected from Successful Farming. Interview with Scott Mortimer and Loren Kruse

I’ve been shooting photos here at the Successful Farming headquarters and will be adding to them during the day: Public Launch Photo Album

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