2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Hob Nobbin in Houston

Joanna Schroeder

Stoller1I spent the evening getting a preview of the research that is going to be presented tomorrow in Houston during the 17th annual Ag Associates Conference. I chatted with people from all over the world including Canada, Australia, Jamaica, Trinidad, North Korea, Cameroon, and more. One of the things I found most fascinating was to hear about the diversity of crops that have seen yield increases using Bio-Forge as well as X-Tra Power and Sugar Mover.

I spoke to dealers and growers who have seen great success using StollerUSA Stoller2products on potatoes, corn, soybeans, table grapes (an Australian specialty according to my new “bloke” Shane) wheat, and various fruits and vegetables. I listened to many of the growers not only talk about what’s working but about what’s not and other growers who have had similar successes or issues in their fields, share tips that have helped them. Ultimately, the goal of this conference is to bring products to market that will help growers see yield increases and ultimately higher profits.

Stoller3I barely got a sample of what I’ll be learning about tomorrow but from the initial reports, it’s going to be exciting. I’ll be blogging during the conference tomorrow right here on AgWired.com and continuing coverage throughout the week. In addition, you can follow the conference on StollerUSA’s website, www. StollerUSA.com.

You can also check out what’s going on during the conference in the Ag Associates Conference Flickr Album.
