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Growers Interested in New BASF Herbicide Technology

Cindy Zimmerman

Eric KixorThere wasn’t a big crowd at the BASF Kixor Herbicide Technology plot tour event in Belleville, IL on Tuesday since many were out spraying, but the nearly 30 who attended were very interested in hearing and seeing what the new family of products from BASF could do for them.BASF

Southern Missouri and Illinois farmer Eric Doza says he attended to learn how to get rid of some of the weed problems that he has. “Mare’s tail, giant ragweed, morning glory, velvetleaf, you name it, it’s there,” he told me. He thinks that the Kixor technology is what he is looking for to get more profitability from his crop.

BASF Kaleb HellwigKaleb Hellwig, who is district sales manager for BASF in the southern MO and IL region, says they have been getting great feedback from growers at field days around the countryside. “All the growers that have been able to see the Kixor family of products work are really impressed with the speed of control and the completeness of the broadleaves that it controls and that it will allow them a better tool to go in and plant earlier in a no-till situation in particular.”

Final approval and registration for the Kixor technology is expected soon and at that time BASF will be launching several brands based on the technology, including Optill, Integrity and Sharpen.

See photos from the BASF Kixor Herbicide Technology plot tour in Belleville here on Flickr.

Listen to my interviews with Kaleb and Eric here:

Audio, BASF, Farming