2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Kixor Kicks Up Weed Control

Cindy Zimmerman

BASF SignageLet’s make this perfectly clear up front – Kixor is not yet registered for use by the EPA. Registration is anticipated in late 2009 for the 2010 crop year.

Okay – that being said – BASF is very excited about this new broadleaf herbicide they hope will eventually be approved for use on over 90 different crops. Trials are taking place across the country this summer on a variety of crops, including corn and soybeans on Kip Cullers’ farm in southwest Missouri. Once approved, Kixor will actually be the active ingredient in at least four different products planned for release by BASF.

This is Dr. Dan Westberg’s “baby” and he proudly shows off how Kixor speeds up the action of Roundup on weeds in this video shot at Kip Cullers Record Breaking Field Day.

Kip Culler’s Record Breaking Field Day photo album

BASF, Farming, Video