Australia Thinks Apples Aren’t Healthy

Chuck Zimmerman

I know how important government rules about nutrition and food are in the agricultural world. Look at how the new MyPyramid has been used in advertising and publicity campaigns. I just think it always seems like an exercise in futility and a pretty serious waste of taxpayer dollars. That’s why a story like this is both amusing and disturbing.

According to a story on One News, the standards group for Australia and New Zealand has draft rules that say “anything with a sugar level above 16 grams per serving, which includes apples, pears and most stonefruit, cannot be marketed as healthy.” As if that’s not ludicrous enough the same standards group also “promoted an Apples in Schools’ programme which is now being contradicted by the proposed ruling.”

That’s government in action looking out for us. I know it’s Australia and New Zealand but I could just see this happening here and those are good export markets for us anyway.
