Global PR Blog Week & The New PR/Wiki

Chuck Zimmerman

Global PR Blog Week 2.0Now that the first Global PR Blog Week 1.0 is over it’s time to start another one. What’s a global blog pr week you ask?

The Global PR Blog Week 1.0 is an online event that will engage PR, marketing and business bloggers from around the globe in a discussion about blogging and communications.
The event was held last July and there’s a ton of great information for the public relations practitioner on the site. This year’s event will include information on podcasting!

The next event is scheduled for June 13 – 17. The Global PR Blog Week 2.0 is an online conference on how new media technologies are changing the practice of Public Relations and corporate communications.

The New PR/WikiYou may not know what a Wiki is but this is one you should visit. Here’s what this site is all about: a repository of relevant information about how the PR practice is changing, a collaboration tool for PR professionals and people interested in the practice of public relations, an open space where anyone can ask questions, post ideas, or start a project.
