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Mary Promoted A Little Lamb

Chuck Zimmerman

If you’ve wanted to do some creative work to promote lamb, now’s the time to obtain some financial assistance from the American Lamb Board.

American Lamb Board Logo

The American Lamb Board Announces the 2005 Matching Grant Program

The American Lamb Board is now soliciting 2005 Matching Grant Program proposals. The new application is available at or by calling Rae at (866) 327-5262. According to ALB Chairman Spence Rule, The ALB developed the Matching Grant Program to expand their marketing and promotions activities by creating collaborative partnerships with industry organizations. The projects that have been funded in 2004 have expanded ALBs efforts to educate consumers, retailers and chefs at the local level.

A total of $40,000 is budgeted for 2005 grant funding. The grants require a 1-to-1 cash match from the grant recipient. In-kind contributions are not considered for the matching requirement. Industry organizations are invited to submit proposals that expand or strengthen the market for American Lamb. Creative marketing projects which include a collaborative effort amongst industry organizations and industry sectors are encouraged.

For more information contact Rae Maestas.

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