RFA Ethanol Podcast

Bayer CropScience at NFMS

Anna Leigh Peek

Scott Hammon had a good week at the National Farm Machinery show visiting with happy customers who stopped by the Bayer CropScience booth. Hammon wanted to chat about Bayer’s Corvus pre-emergence herbicide, which he says one of the best-selling in the nation. “It has a low use, we are only using 5.6 ounces per acres,” said Hammon. Chuck and Cindy …

Audio, Bayer, Crop Protection, National Farm Machinery Show

United Soybean Board Director at NFMS

Anna Leigh Peek

The Kentucky Soybean Board had a booth at the National Farm Machinery Show last week and I had the opportunity to stop by and visit with Doug Winter, a Kentucky grower who serves as a director on the United Soybean Board (USB).  Winters has been busy with his role on the board for the Center of Food Integrity and his …

Audio, Farming, National Farm Machinery Show, NFMS, Soybean, USB