2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Booth Activity

Chuck Zimmerman

The first stop was the Merial booth, where I spoke with Jim Gibb, Sr. Manager, Beef Segment Development about new dna testing products from Igenity.

You can listen to our next audio interview here: ZimmComm Podcast.

Later this week, new U. S. Secretary of Agriculture, Mike Johanns, will be making a speech. We’ll bring you audio from his remarks.Posted by Hello

Agribusiness, Audio, Podcasts

Beef Demand Is Sizzling!

Chuck Zimmerman

The first interview is with Cattlemen’s Beef Board CEO Monte Reese. He’s the better looking one talking into the mic. Beef demand increased more last year than any year recently and Monte talks about what that means in our next podcast available here: ZimmBlog Podcast.

All the usual press conferences are going on and the trade show’s about to start so while you listen, I’ll go wander around.

The convention is underway. Posted by Hello

Ag Groups, Audio, Podcasts

Just Got In To San Antonio

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello from San Antonio. 2nd hotel. The first one didn’t have working high speed access. Can’t have that. I promise not to make you look at pictures of me. I’m just happy to be in my room and ready to go. It’s off to the convention center next and see what’s going on. I’ll start out in the media room and post more later. Let me know if there’s anything in particular you’d like to see me cover while I’m here. Post a comment or email me.Posted by Hello


Off To San Antonio

Chuck Zimmerman

I just couldn’t leave a wimpy little post from a cell phone on my blog while I’m travelling. I just sent that last post to show you that if you’re really desparate, you can even use a pretty standard Sprint phone to post a message on your blog.

I’ll be getting in to the Cattle Industry Convention tomorrow afternoon and will begin posting information as soon as I find it.


First Audio

Chuck Zimmerman

As soon as our new blog design is complete and new website/server up and running we’ll begin true podcasting. In the meantime I’ll be posting links here to audio files you can listen to, especially this week at the Cattle Industry Convention and Trade Show.

Here’s the first one. ZimmBlog Podcast

You should be able to click on that link and your media player will open automatically, download the mp3 file and play it for you. Let me know if you have problems. If you don’t have a media player I recommend Windows Media Player.

Looking forward to blogging you from San Antonio!

Audio, Podcasts