2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Japan Disaster May Benefit U.S. Exports

Chuck Zimmerman

The earthquake and tsunami disaster in Japan has repercussions in a variety of industries. Agriculture is no exception. Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “How will Japan disaster affect US exports?” 61% said it will increase exports while 23% said decrease and 17% said no impact. So how has this disaster affected agriculture in Japan? You can learn more in …


When Will Planting Start

Chuck Zimmerman

Our latest ZimmPoll didn’t really generate a lot of responses. I thought that there would be a lot of excitement about planting. However, the results are in. So your answer to the question, “When will planting season start this year?” is as follows: 37 percent say later than average, 36 percent say at the five year average (late March) and …


Facebook Is Big Dog In Social Networking

Chuck Zimmerman

It looks like Facebook is the big dog in the social media world according to you. Our last ZimmPoll asked the question, “Which social network do you use the most.” A majority say Facebook, 64%, followed by Twitter, 16%, YouTube, 8%, Linkedin, 5%, Other, 5%, Classmates.com, 1%, Flickr, !% and MySpace, 0%. I can’t remember when I’ve checked my MySpace …


Public Does Not Understand GMO Crops

Chuck Zimmerman

It sure looks like we have a long way to go to help educate the general public on GMO’s! In answer to the question, “How much do you think the public understands about GMO crops?” an overwhelming 70 % say Majority know nothing. Wow. Only 22% or our readers say Some think they know. Only 4 % say People totally …


Agri-marketing Is a Profession

Chuck Zimmerman

I thought we’d have a little fun with our latest ZimmPoll just to see what people really think about the professional nature of what we do – agrimarketing. I got a lot of comments like “I’ve never considered that it isn’t.” However, I was curious if we’d have any no votes and we did! So the question was, “Is agricultural …


ZimmPoll Says All Biofuel Feedstocks In Play

Chuck Zimmerman

It’s hard to believe we’ve been conducting a weekly poll for agrimarketers and everyone involved in the agribusiness industry, farmers included, for almost 3 months now! We’re always looking for question ideas so please feel free to use comments here to suggest one or just email me. These polls are all archived so that you can easily review them anytime …


iPhone and Android Lead Smartphone Pack

Chuck Zimmerman

When it comes to smartphone platforms our audience is using a mix with iPhone/Android/Blackberry on top. According to our poll 32% say they use iPhone, 32% are using Android, 28 % are using Blackberry and way back we have 5% saying Other and only 3% saying Windows. Interesting and I think we’ll have to ask this question again later this …


Commodity Prices Expected To Go Higher

Chuck Zimmerman

It looks like there’s a very high expectation among our various audiences that commodity prices will go higher. You haven’t sold all of last year’s soybeans have you! We asked the question, “Will commodity prices be higher or lower a year from now?” Overwhelmingly, 70% said higher while 21% said about the same and only 9% lower. Our next ZimmPoll …


Tillage Practice ZimmPoll Results

Chuck Zimmerman

In our latest ZimmPoll we asked about tillage practices with the question, “Which tillage practice do you employ on most of your farming operation.” It looks like No-Till is the winner with 24%, followed by Conventional at 21%, Other at 9% and Strip-Till at 6%. Our next ZimmPoll is now live and asks the question, “Will commodity prices be higher …


Sustainability Means Different Things To Different People

Chuck Zimmerman

Judging from the results to our latest ZimmPoll, sustainability, is a hot button issue. We had the most results of any survey so far. The question: “What does “sustainability” really mean to the public?” By a big margin, most say “A combination of factors” at 47%. That’s followed by “Farm managed for profit/growth,” 25%; “green,” 13%; “organic,” 10% and “local,” …
