RFA Ethanol Podcast

What You Like About Farm Radio

Chuck Zimmerman

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What do you like best about farm radio?” This question generated the least results by far of any we’ve done to date. I kind of thought it would have generated more response. So here’s what the results are in order of most responses. 39% said All of the Above, 18% said Markets, 16% said …


Biorefinery Safety

Chuck Zimmerman

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What do you think the biggest safety issue is at a biorefinery?” Here’s what you said. 43% said interaction with chemicals, 34% said, slips, grips and falls, 14% chose equipment and 9% other. We’ll be delving into this issue more in a series of stories on Domestic Fuel and appreciate your input! Our new …


Tablets Gaining Acceptance

Chuck Zimmerman

I’m very surprised at some of the response to our latest ZimmPoll. Although 37% responding say they have an iPad or other tablet, 33% said they don’t and don’t want one! And we had 30% who said they don’t have one but do want one. However, when you consider that no one had one less than two years ago you …


Worried That Government Regulations Will Hurt Business

Chuck Zimmerman

Not surprisingly you’re worried about government regulations. We asked the question, “Are you worried about how government regulations will hurt your business?” 76% say yes and 24% no. This is a big part of the rhetoric in Washington, DC right now, along with the debt ceiling and budget. All I can say is, “Get off my back Mr. Government Man!” …


Email Tops in ZimmPoll

Chuck Zimmerman

Good old email is still dominating our attention when we get online according to our latest ZimmPoll. I can relate to that! Anyone want to come help me clean out my inbox? So here’s the results in answer to our question, “What’s the very first thing you check online each day?” 47% of you say it’s email. 24% say news; …


GIPSA Rule ZimmPoll Results

Chuck Zimmerman

The ZimmPoll is not a scientific, statistically valid measurement of any demographic but rather a gauge of opinion and other information from interested readers. Never has that been more evident than this past week when our poll was highly influenced by a concerted campaign to do so by R-Calf in response to a post Cindy did, “GIPSA Dominates Senate Committee …


What G20 Ag Ministers Can Do

Chuck Zimmerman

Our latest ZimmPoll asked, “What can G20 ag ministers do to stabilize food prices?” The answer is Nothing, 31%; Increase productivity, 23%; End biofuels production, 18%; Regulate markets, 17%; Improve crop reporting, 8% and Stockpile food, 3%. Can they actually do any of these things? Well, I guess they can do nothing. They met recently and did come up with …


Beef Rules ZimmPoll

Chuck Zimmerman

We’ve got some beef eaters in this community! In answer to our question, “What’s your favorite meat?” an overwhelming majority said Beef at 39%. Here’s how the other choices fared in order. Fish, 15%; Chicken, 12%; Pork, 10%; All of the above, 10%; Lamb, 5%; Venison, 5% and Other, 4%. I’ve spoken with some AgWired community members who voted that …
