2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Virtual is the New Reality

Chuck Zimmerman

Virtual is the new reality for 2020. As events continue to be cancelled or postponed this year, it’s becoming obvious that conferences and meetings going forward will have at least some component of virtual content to provide for people unable to make it in person. ZimmComm has been doing virtual meetings and conferences since 2005 – it’s really our specialty. …

ZimmComm Announcement

Put 2019 in the Rear View Mirror

Cindy Zimmerman

2019 may not have been the best of years for agriculture, but there’s always 2020. ZimmComm spent the year as usual, traveling along the Agriblogging Highway to nearly 40 events around the country from Beltwide Cotton Conferences in January to American Seed Trade Seed Expo in December. Click on the photo below to see where we have been and some …

ZimmComm Announcement

AgWired a Top 25 Agriculture Blog 2019

Chuck Zimmerman

Just got this message. Always nice to get recognition. “Congratulations! We are happy to announce that your blog has been included to the Top 25 Agriculture Blogs 2019 on our website. We are in constant search for the best blogs and we are glad to include you on the list.” Agriculture is an incredibly important part of life that is …

ZimmComm Announcement

God Bless America and the American Farmer

Cindy Zimmerman

Food for thought this Independence Day from former Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack: “America has to understand and appreciate what it has in agriculture. American consumers walk out of the grocery store with still more money in their pocket and their paychecks and their incomes than virtually anybody else in the world. That creates great flexibility in our economy directly …

AgWired Animal, AgWired Precision, Farming, ZimmComm Announcement