Elanco announced it has finalized the purchase of Posilac (sometribove), a supplement for dairy cows, from Monsanto. The acquisition includes complete worldwide rights, a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Augusta, Ga., and product-support operations. Agri-Business Solutions is changing its name to Water Street Solutions. “Water” is a fundamental resource necessary for the success of agricultural producers while “Street” keeps in mind …
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The Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation (Farmer Mac) announced that its Board of Directors has appointed Michael A. Gerber as acting President and Chief Executive Officer of Farmer Mac, succeeding Henry D. Edelman, effective immediately. Gerber will continue to serve as Chief Executive Officer of Farm Credit of Western New York, an Association in the Farm Credit System. The American Phytopathological …
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National 4-H Council has announced a repeat partnership with Southern States Cooperative retail stores to run the “4-H Paper Clover” campaign, an exciting consumer-driven fundraising promotion where consumers purchase a paper clover at the register for $1 from Sunday, Oct. 5 to Sunday, Oct. 19. A list of participating locations can be found here. Fifty cents from each $1 donation …
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CNH Global N.V. has announced it will reconsolidate production of soil management equipment at its plant in Goodfield, Ill., rescinding plans disclosed in late 2006 to close the 233,000-square-foot facility. As a result, all soil management equipment previously transferred to the company’s plant in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, will be returned to Goodfield as soon as possible. Syngenta Crop Protection announced Durivo …
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Novus International is proud to announce the appointment of Nik Sutter as Product Specialist, North America. Sutter’s primary responsibilities will include the implementation of marketing and technical strategy for Novus-North America and identifying business growth opportunities for organic trace minerals. Syngenta Crop Protection announced the federal registration of Voliam Xpress insecticide by the U.S. EPA. Voliam Xpress is approved for …
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Monsanto Company was named a 100 Best Company 2008 today by Working Mother magazine for its commitment to making the lives of working parents easier by offering family-friendly benefits and compensation. Monsanto is the only St. Louis-area company to receive the award. The American Phytopathological Society (APS) is pleased to announce the recipients of its 2008 awards. The awards were …
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The Organic Trade Association has appointed a new executive director. Christine Bushway became the third executive director in the association’s 23-year history. Bushway graduated from the University of New Hampshire with a Bachelors of Science from the College of Life Science and Agriculture. Her career has been spent working in the food and agriculture industries. New Holland Agriculture participated recently …
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Farm Progress Companies announces its leading state and regional farm and ranch publications will deliver IRON Search used machine listing advertisements in a new and innovative format – via the newly re-designed IRONsearch.com Web site – which brings used equipment listings into an easy-to-find, used equipment print section included in Farm Progress publications. Within the sections, used equipment for sale …
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More than 500 growers and retailers were at the Iowa Speedway in Newton, Iowa, on Sept. 3 to learn about innovations in agriculture. The day’s theme was “Race to Innovation.” After a lunch break, growers and retailers participated in informational sessions that reviewed the current agribusiness landscape, as well as specific innovations in the Bayer CropScience pipeline. WATT Poultry announces …
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Rhea + Kaiser Marketing Communications announces the hire of two staff members to the growing Bayer CropScience team — Ann Fleming and Kimberly Bergmooser. Fleming joins Rhea + Kaiser as senior account executive working on the Bayer CropScience horticultural crops team. Bergmooser joins as assistant account executive for the corn, soybean and sorghum team. New Holland’s 98D Series corn heads …