2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

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Melissa Sandfort

Farm Market iD has released two new data files. Due to continued demand, the company has updated its popular Turf & Ornamental Database now representing almost 210,000 companies and facilities who purchase equipment, seed, chemicals, fertilizer and other products and services. For more information about the new Farm Market iD databases, contact Dick Olmsted at 800-313-4778, ext. 202. The 2009 …

Zimfo Bytes

Zimfo Bytes

Melissa Sandfort

StollerUSA announced university research results on the effect of Root Power on onion crops. The research was performed by Dr. T X Liu, professor of entomology, Texas Agri-Life Research, at the Texas A&M University System Weslaco site. The American Soybean Association celebrated more than a decade of diligent and persistent work on behalf of U.S. soybean farmers to advance global …

Zimfo Bytes

Zimfo Bytes

Melissa Sandfort

Analyses for residual feed intake are now available from IGENITY for both Bos taurus and Bos indicus breeds of cattle. AgriCharts announced an initiative with Brock Associates to provide a market focused mobile platform to the agricultural industry and Brock Associates’ clients. The mobile platform, available to the public from any mobile-browser provides market quotes, news, weather and Brock Associates’ …

Zimfo Bytes

Zimfo Bytes

Melissa Sandfort

Through a collaboration of 830 veterinarians, animal health suppliers and Pfizer Animal Health, nearly $500,000 has been donated to local FFA chapters across the country. Through purchases of Pfizer Animal Health’s vaccines, veterinarians and animal health suppliers were able to donate to a local FFA chapter of their choice. Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc. announced Lumax and Lexar herbicides and Quilt …

Zimfo Bytes

Zimfo Bytes

Melissa Sandfort

Even amid the ups and downs of corn production in 2008, Halex GT corn herbicide from Syngenta delivered impressive weed control results versus glyphosate –in 2008 trials it controlled 98 percent of lambsquarters, 98 percent of velvetleaf, 97 percent of common ragweed, 99 percent of waterhemp and 97 percent of Palmer amaranth. Tom LeBeau has been selected as the new …

Zimfo Bytes

Zimfo Bytes

Melissa Sandfort

More than 500 of the nation’s top Texas Longhorn cattle breeders and their prized Texas Longhorns gathered in Fort Worth for the 2009 Texas Longhorn Legacy Sale V. Held in the Grand Ballroom, over 100 Longhorns were auctioned in this annual event that raised over $220,000 for cancer research and youth charities. Syngenta is sponsoring the popular recall training course …

Zimfo Bytes

Zimfo Bytes

Melissa Sandfort

Bayer CropScience has been granted registration of Wolverine herbicide, a superior and convenient postemergence solution for broadleaf and grass control in wheat and barley, by the EPA. Syngenta Seed Care announced that the first seed treatment insecticide for small-seeded vegetables has been approved by the EPA for use on cucurbits. This convenient new tool delivers targeted protection against early-season sucking …

Zimfo Bytes

Zimfo Bytes

Melissa Sandfort

Syngenta Seed Care was notified that the Arkansas State Plant Board issued a Section 18 Crisis Exemption for the use of Cruiser 5FS seed treatment insecticide for protection against grape colaspis in rice. The Pork Checkoff is offering the 2009 Pork Management Conference, Your Pork Industry Investment, May 6-8, in Fort Myers, Fla. New Holland’s 40-50 hp Boomer compact cab …

Zimfo Bytes

Zimfo Bytes

Melissa Sandfort

Previously labeled for use on pigs three weeks of age or older only, pork producers can now vaccinate piglets against salmonellosis at one day and older orally or intranasally with Salmo Shield Live. Important communications lessons learned from the biofuels industry’s fall from grace will be presented at the upcoming Communicating Renewables Summit, April 21-23, 2009 in Minneapolis, MN. Click …

Zimfo Bytes

Zimfo Bytes

Melissa Sandfort

QUALISOY has announced its board members and yearly objectives for 2009. Pioneer VP of Crop Product Development Dennis Byron, PhD, a member of the board since its start in 2004, was elected as Chairman of the Board for 2009. LPC Critique Contest entries must be received by March 20 at 5 pm. Awards will be presented on Aug. 3 in …

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