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BASF Launches Advanced Weed Control Website

Cindy Zimmerman

Coinciding with the National Association of Farm Broadcasting annual meeting last week, BASF launched a new resource to help farmers develop effective weed control programs – the Advanced Weed Control website ( BASF Technical Market Manager Dr. Dan Westberg says the website was created with input from farmers to provide them with the latest information, recommendations and insights on effective …

Audio, BASF, Soybean, weed management

Corn Farmers Have Anthem Option

Cindy Zimmerman

After years of planning, research and development, FMC has finally received EPA registration on the new herbicide, Anthem for broad spectrum weed control. “What we’re really excited about is that it brings excellent control to the table of resistant weeds, whether it be trazine or glyphosate resistant,” said Roger Webster with FMC Corporation. “We’re seeing longer lasting control with this …

Audio, Corn, FMC, weed management

New Herbicide Label “Warrants” Excitement

Cindy Zimmerman

The recent labeling of Warrant® Herbicide for pre-emergence use gives cotton and soybean farmers a new tool for residual weed control. “Warrant herbicide will provide more options now that we’ve got a pre- and post-emerge label,” said Tyler Hackstadt, selective chemistry marketing lead for Monsanto, in an interview with Randall Weiseman of Southeast AgNet. Listen to Randall’s report here: The …

Audio, weed management

Early Harvest Provides Weed Control Opportunities

Cindy Zimmerman

Corn and soybean harvest in the Midwest has been running at least two weeks ahead of schedule, with some states like Iowa almost done already. This situation provides farmers with a unique opportunity to get an early start fall weed control measures to lighten their spring workload. Justin Pollard, Monsanto Weed Management Technology Development Representative in Iowa, recommends that growers …

Farming, weed management

New Products from Monsanto

Chuck Zimmerman

During the recent Farm Progress Show Monsanto’s Crop Protection Marketing Lead, Steve Knodle (left), sat down with me to talk about what is new with Monsanto. Steve says there are a number of new announcements from Monsanto this fall. One of them is Warrant Herbicide for pre-emerge use in soybeans and cotton for residual weed control. He says that it …

Agribusiness, Apps, Audio, Farm Progress Show, Seed, weed management

Bayer Surveys Farmer Concerns at FPS

Cindy Zimmerman

Drought and weather concerns topped the Bayer CropScience Farm Progress Show survey this year about issues and opportunities facing farmers. Not really surprising, given this summer’s challenging drought – 73 percent of respondents to Bayer CropScience’s daily survey noted climate and weather problems as the biggest challenge experienced on their farm this year. Weed resistance ranked second in terms of …

Audio, Bayer, Farm Progress Show, weed management

Weed Resistance Warning from Arkansas

Cindy Zimmerman

Retired Arkansas weed scientist Ford Baldwin wants Midwest growers to learn from what happened in his state before it’s too late for them. “The story I try to tell in the Midwest is how we basically have lost the world’s greatest herbicide technology in the south in Roundup Ready,” Ford said at a Bayer CropScience Respect the Rotation field day …

Audio, Bayer, Farming, weed management

Bayer Crop Protection for Corn and Soybeans

Cindy Zimmerman

At the recent Bayer CropScience Respect the Rotation event in Collinsville, Illinois, growers learned more about some of the company’s crop protection products for corn and soybeans to help them better avoid resistance issues in the future. “We want to continue to use the products that we have,” said Mark Waddington, Bayer tech services rep, who talked about insecticides and …

Audio, Bayer, Farming, weed management

Know the Enemy – Palmer Pigweed

Cindy Zimmerman

It’s not just pigweed, it’s Palmer amaranth pigweed, and it was all over the Bayer CropScience Respect the Rotation plot tour in Collinsville, Illinois – towering over corn and soybeans and most other weeds. Waterhemp is also a member of the pigweed family that might be more familiar to growers in the Midwest and both are developing resistance to glyphosate. …

Audio, Bayer, Crop Protection, Video, weed management