RFA Ethanol Podcast

Clariant Lanches Unique Weed Control Boosters

Kelly Marshall

Clariant is showing the world they truly are a leader in specialty chemicals with an innovative, all-in-one crop spraying system.  Synergen ME is a product line designed to improve weed control and achieve better yields by being optimized for use in combination with other herbicides. The new product contains methylated seed oil, ammonium sulfate and specific surfactants to increase the effectiveness …

Agribusiness, Herbicide, weed management

BASF’s Varisto Herbicide Receives Registration

Kelly Marshall

The EPA has given the go-ahead to BASF‘s Varisto herbicide.  The product may be used on clover grown for seed, dry beans, dry peas, English peas, lima beans (succulent), snap beans and soybeans.  The herbicide offers a wide spectrum of broadleaf and grass weed control. “Varisto herbicide offers multiple sites of action for excellent weed control and resistance management in …

Agribusiness, BASF, EPA, Herbicide, weed management

#LibertyLink Seed Still Available

Cindy Zimmerman

Spring has sprung and planting has already begun in some areas, but there’s still time to include Bayer Liberty® and LibertyLink® soybeans this crop year. At the recent Bayer AgVocacy Forum, we talked with Al Luke, Bayer U.S. strategic business lead for row crops, about the LibertyLink system. “We’ve had great uptake this year, we think our sales will be …

Audio, Bayer, Soybean, weed management

FMC Herbicides Part of #LibertyLink Rebate Program

Cindy Zimmerman

Soybean growers looking to extend their weed control this season can be eligible for rebates when they link up LibertyLink® soybeans with FMC Authority® and Anthem® herbicides as part of the Soybean Residual program with FMC. At the National Farm Machinery Show last week, I talked with Mark Howard, FMC retail market manager for central Illinois, about the rebate program …

Audio, Bayer, FMC, National Farm Machinery Show, Soybean, weed management

2016 Award Winners Honored by WSSA

Kelly Marshall

Thirty members of the Weed Science Society of America have been honored for their contributions to weed science.  The awards program was held in San Juan, Puerto Rico during the organization’s annual meeting. “Our annual awards program recognizes the many outstanding scientists who are spearheading innovations and advancing the weed science profession through their research, teaching, publishing and outreach,” said …

Ag Groups, weed management

BASF Features Armezon PRO at #NAFB15

Cindy Zimmerman

BASF Ag Products just recently received registration for Armezon® PRO herbicide, which offers long-lasting residual control of emerged grass and broadleaf weeds. The BASF product has received full Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registration for use on all corn types and BASF Technical Market Manager Daniel Waldstein was at NAFB Trade Talk last week to talk about it. “Armezon PRO can …

Audio, BASF, Crop Protection, NAFB, weed management

Engenia™ Herbicide for Cotton

Cindy Zimmerman

BASF Crop Protection anticipates regulatory approval for Engenia™ herbicide yet later this year, which will provide growers with the most technologically advanced dicamba formulation for control of broadleaf weeds in dicamba-tolerant crops for both soybeans and cotton. “Like all the other dicambas BASF has made in our 50 year history, (Engenia) is a highly effective post-emergent broadleaf weed control tool,” …

Audio, BASF, Crop Protection, Herbicide, weed management

FMC Promotes Stewardship for Resistance Management

Cindy Zimmerman

One of the biggest concerns for farmers attending the 2015 Farm Progress Show last week was control of resistant weeds, and FMC is a company that is promoting a stewardship approach to resistance management. “Proper stewardship is very important with the resistance that we are seeing,” says FMC Senior Technical Sales Manager Brent Neuberger. “So we want to mix things …

Audio, Farm Progress Show, FMC, weed management

Overlapping Residuals for Weed Management

Joanna Schroeder

Heavy rainfall this season has led to heavy weed pressure in fields around the Midwest, making overlapping residuals more important to protect next season’s crop. FMC Midwest Technical Lead Gail Stratman explains that a grower wants to maintain good and strong weed control to maximize yield potential in the corn crop. As you travel around the Midwest, says Stratman, with …

Audio, Corn, Farm Progress Show, FMC, Herbicide, weed management

FMC Fall Burndown Advice

Joanna Schroeder

Harvest is soon to be underway as summer gives way to the fall, and that is the time when growers need to think about getting a clean start next spring. For growers having problems with chickweed and marestail, a fall burndown program can provide good benefits. “Fall is the best time to really deal with winter annuals,” says FMC Senior …

Audio, Farm Progress Show, FMC, Herbicide, weed management