2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Becoming A Researcher in China

Chuck Zimmerman

Zachary Larson, Borlaug Summer Intern, is on location at Nanjing Agricultural University and providing us with updates this summer of his trip. Here’s his latest. You can also find a photo album he’s got started here: Borlaug Summer Intern Photo Album How to become a researcher in a few easy steps, Part 1 So here I now am in China. …

Education, International, University

Zachary Larson Begins Borlaug Summer Internship

Chuck Zimmerman

Here is the first in a series of posts from Zachary Larson, Borlaug Summer Intern at Nanjing Agricultural University in China: It has almost been a week since I came here to China, and it has been quite an incredible week. I have experienced enough in this city in just five days to easily make this the most memorable trip …

Education, International, University

Zachary Larson Borlaug Summer Intern

Chuck Zimmerman

Let me introduce you to Zachary Larson. Zachary is a recipient of this year’s Borlaug Summer Internship Program. He is already in China where he will be conducting research work and providing regular updates for us. Here’s some information about the internship program. The Borlaug Internship Program is intended to provide undergraduate students exciting research, community or field experiences in …

Education, International, University

DuPont Pledges $200,000 to University of Illinois

Chuck Zimmerman

Dupont has issued a “challenge grant” to the University of Illinois for improving communications effectiveness in agriculture. I think supplying some iPads to new ag comm students would be a good use of those funds! Of course they can also attend the AgWired School of Agricultural Communications too! DuPont announced a $200,000 grant to a University of Illinois initiative between …

Agribusiness, Education, Pioneer, University

WTF Is Your T-Shirt

Chuck Zimmerman

Today was the first day I’ve worn my WTF shirt. That is Where’s The Food, Without The Farmer? of course. It was fun seeing the reaction from people in the airport, on the plane and in the hotel today traveling to Commodity Classic. I can’t tell you how many people have said, “I saw that on Twitter today.” Thank you …

Ag Groups, Education, University

Joliet Junior College

Chuck Zimmerman

Joliet Junior College and specifically the Weitendorf Agricultural Education Center was the location of the Chicago Farmers Farmland Investment Fair. I spoke with one of their faculty, Bill Johnson (pictured left), about the school. Bill is one of the many volunteers who work to put on the Fair. He says that the College started that state’s first ag program in …

Audio, Education, University

Ag Communications Future Discussed at AG CONNECT Expo

Chuck Zimmerman

Discussing the future of agricultural communications was the job of Orion Samuelson, Jim Evans and Mike Yost today at AG CONNECT Expo. Jim has spent a lifetime in agriculture and Ag communications, as a practitioner and professor at the University of Illinois. The panel took place in Successful Farming’s Innovations Theater where they’ve been doing live webcasts of the presentations. …

Audio, Education, University

Holiday Greeting From IFAS

Chuck Zimmerman

Thank you for the holiday wishes Mark McLellan, Dean of Research for the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. If you have a holiday card you’d like to share then send it on. Judging from the slowdown in my email inbox, business activity has also started the holiday slowdown. A lot of companies take the next week …


Improving Beef and Dairy Herds In Egypt

Chuck Zimmerman

Presenting information at Cairo University on the Cattle Information Center was Dr. Samy Abou-Bakr. He describes that there are two different water buffalo dairy and feedlot systems. One is old and one is new. In the older model, the herd size is small, handled with lots of labor and very little if any records are kept. In the new, the …

Audio, Beef, Corn, Dairy, International, University, USGC

Cairo University Ag School

Chuck Zimmerman

The first stop for the U.S. Grains Council Corn Mission team today was Cairo University and specifically the ag school. Our first presenter was Dr. Rabie Ragab Sadek who gave us an overview of the Center Information Systems Center of Egypt. The project was created to develop a cattle information system that would provide statistically representative, adequate data for cattle …

Audio, Corn, Education, International, University, USGC