RFA Ethanol Podcast

The Grass Is Always Greener On The Other Side Of The…Road?

Melissa Sandfort

Today Aunt Jeanette writes: We had a very welcome 1.50 inches of rain last week. This always brings a new, fresh outlook on the farm. The tired irrigation engines can be turned off and the exhausted irrigators can enjoy a little break from watering. The grass looks greener, the flowers bloom brighter, the cows munch contentedly on the sweet, tender …


One Of These Things Is Not Like The Others

Melissa Sandfort

Today, Aunt Jeanette writes: “One of these things is not like the others, One of these things just doesn’t belong, Can you tell which thing is not like the others By the time I finish my song?” Ah, the good old days of Sesame Street. Our three young sons watched this particular educational program so they would be occupied and …


The Pro Steps In

Melissa Sandfort

Yesterday afternoon I had a VERY important meeting with my friend, Bethany Stritt…it was hair coloring time at the beauty parlor! And as every good “meeting” at the hair parlor goes, it came complete with ladies catching up on family events, pictures of our children, and talk about happenings around town. During our conversations, Bethany shared her story about her …


More “Little Things”

Melissa Sandfort

Today Aunt Jeanette writes: The older I get, the more I appreciate the little things in life…the first tomatoes on my tomato plants, a plant I have been babying all summer finally flowering, someone saying a simple “thanks for doing that”, a rainbow after an unexpected shower, a cloud covering the sun when I am mowing in 95 degree temperatures, …


To Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

Cindy Zimmerman

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that …


And Now, The Rest Of The Story…

Melissa Sandfort

This week, Aunt Jeanette writes: Last week I shared a picture of my clematis and promised “the rest of the story” about the unusual trellis. A very good friend (who also happens to be my sister-in-law) has exceptionally green thumbs – yep, both of them. Her lawn, flower garden, vegetable garden, and any outside plants are always gorgeous. She can …


Mow, Mow, Mow

Melissa Sandfort

Today Aunt Jeanette writes: “Mow, mow, mow the grass Every other day. ‘Cause if you don’t you’ll have to bale Just like you do the hay!” I think I have told you before that to keep myself entertained when I am working outside I sometimes make up different lyrics to familiar songs and sing them out loud. Well, today was …


A Bird In The…Bathroom Window?

Melissa Sandfort

Today, Aunt Jeanette writes: Remember the bird’s nest on my antique wagon wheel I wrote about in April? Well, it has a sad ending. There was just too much activity by the shop and the mother robin deserted the nest, leaving three eggs behind. The eggs disappeared one by one and then someone finally took the nest down. I was …


Visit to Holy Shroud of Turin

Chuck Zimmerman

Sometimes a business trip turns into the opportunity of a lifetime. That has been the case so far as my trip to Turin, Italy with New Holland allowed me time to attend the rare public viewing of the Holy Shroud of Turin. Many, many people believe this to be the burial cloth of Jesus. Regardless what you may believe it …


ZimmComm Galaxy Tab S AgNerd Giveaway

Jamie Johansen

Are you in need of some new tech for your farm or business? ZimmComm New Media just might have the answer. Enter our latest AgNerd Giveaway for a chance to win a Samsung Galaxy S Tab. Samsung Galaxy S Tab Specs: Super AMOLED® display (1600 x 2560) Our thinnest (0.26″) and lightest (1.02 lbs.) yet Unique innovations like Fingerprint Scanner, …
