2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

USDA Undersecretary at Home in the Southeast

Cindy Zimmerman

USDA Undersecretary Dr. Gale Buchanan may work in Washington, DC but his heart is in the southeast. “I spent 21 years at Auburn University conducting research in peanuts and other crops,” said Buchanan. “Then went to the University of Georgia as the director of the Coastal Plain Experiment Station and dean at the college of agriculture.” He also attended the …


New Media Musings

Chuck Zimmerman

One of my favorite new media commentators is Jeff Jarvis, BuzzMachine. Here’s some comments from his latest post. My most striking realization since getting my iPhone (love it, thanks for asking) is that radio is doomed. Pandora is a wonder, creating my own radio station, live and on the fly without need for a broadcast tower. And then there’s TV. …


Canadian Farm Writers Get Together

Chuck Zimmerman

Just when we’re talking about the U.S. get together of farm writers I noticed that it’s time to look forward to the CFWF 2008. From the sea bottom to the mountain top, the BC Farm Writers are pleased to introduce you to some of the experiences, people, places, and products that will make up the CFWF 2008 Conference, to be …


Go Celebrate

Chuck Zimmerman

Since my email box has been a little less full than normal I know that means that most of you are on break now. Well, it’s time to take a break here at ZimmComm World Headquarters too. Of course that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t come back during the weekend. You never know what you’ll find. But if you choose to …


Tweeting With Twitterfone

Chuck Zimmerman

I’m not sure yet how well this will work but the first time I tried it things went okay. I can now update my Twitter account by using Twitterfone. It lets me call a number and leave a voice message that’s converted to text and submitted to my account. TwitterFone is free service that lets you update your Twitter feed …


Enjoying The San Fran Bay Sights

Chuck Zimmerman

So another conference is over and tomorrow I’ll be moving on to Jackson, MS for the Appaloosa Horse Club National Show. This will be the first time it’s being held there and from what I’ve heard already, things are going well. It’s going to be culture shock going from Berkeley Marina to the hot southeast but I can handle it. …


Farm Podcaster Fuel

Chuck Zimmerman

This is what gets the agriblogging farm podcaster going on a Monday morning. Rocket Fuel from Coffee Zone. If you need some, let me know and I’ll do the deal for you and ship it. It’s $12.50/lb. plus shipping and handling. So, posting was light on AgWired over the weekend. After all, it was Father’s Day weekend. Happy Father’s Day …


Missouri River is MO Bigger

Chuck Zimmerman

We may not have the flooding you’ve been seeing stories about in Iowa but the Missouri River crested here at Jefferson City today and is expected to have another crest soon. It rained half the day today so we’ve got more flooding coming. This is a shot of the Capitol under the bridge over the river, leading into town. Normally …


Twittering and Tweeting on AgWired

Chuck Zimmerman

For those of you who have wondered about the little blue birdy thing at the top of AgWired, that’s the latest post in my Twitter feed. A growing number of you are following me directly on Twitter and I thank you. As you’ll find out if you do, I post quite frequently on Twitter, especially when I’m traveling. It’s very …


Organic Kefir from Lifeway Foods

Laura McNamara

Milk from Lifeway Foods is now garaunteed to be 100 percent, certified hormone free. The makers of the probiotic dairy beverage called kefir has announced they are now using milk that comes from cows that are not treated with hormones. This 100% certified hormone free milk comes with a Farmers Pledge, which Lifeway will market on the labels of its …
