The Perfect Storm Changes Directions

Harry Siemens

The light at the end of the tunnel for cattle and hog producers appears to have changed from a train to small ray of hope. It’s no consolation for producers exiting prematurely or involuntarily for various reasons. However, Jim Long, President of Genesus Genetics lists a couple of ‘I Told-You-So’s in his most recent pork commentary that I happen to …


Blogging Via Flickr

Chuck Zimmerman

Blogging Via Flickr Originally uploaded by AgWired This is my first post from my Blackberry (iPhone coming in a couple months) via Flickr. This is ZimmComm master control. It’s opening up a whole new world of possibilities.


Farm Progress Show Headlines

Chuck Zimmerman

How many of you are getting ready for Farm Progress Show? The media is geting an early look right now. I can’t make it but am hoping someone will send me an interesting photo to post. I’m looking at my in box of Farm Progress invites and releases. It’s growing fast! Here’s some of the headlines: 130 million acres of …


Obligatory AgriTalk Post

Cindy Zimmerman

We put AgriTalk on AgWired so often you would think they paid us! They don’t – but, who knows? Maybe someday they will. Here is Mr. AgriTalk – Mike Adams – interviewing American Coalition for Ethanol executive vice president Brian Jennings live on the trade show floor at the 21st Ethanol Conference and Trade Show in Omaha on Wednesday. Mike …


Gritty and Pretty

Cindy Zimmerman

First it was food for fuel, now it’s food for jewelry. It might not look like it, but this American flag pin is actually made out of grits. For those of you less enlightened Northerners who may not know what grits is – according to Wikipedia – “Grits is a Native American corn-based food common in the Southern United States, …


Blogging Break

Chuck Zimmerman

It’s been really difficult to get motivated to do much today. We’re having some gorgeous weather here in Missouri, although I think corn and soybean growers would like it a little hotter. It was nice enough to just wander down to the pond for a little fishing from the bank. Fishing is what I was doing since I wasn’t catching. …


AgWired Wordle Cloud

Chuck Zimmerman

What do bored bloggers do? Find silly little websites like Wordle and create graphics like this that have just about no real purpose or value. I saw a post about it when I was reading my feeds and thought I’d give it a try. Basically Wordle creates a word cloud and allows you to do some basic editing. It did …


Blogging From Gulf of Mexico

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello from Studio S.E.A., Gary Cooper’s boat. We’re out in the Gulf of Mexico, right off Clearwater Beach right now. Unfortunately, Gary and Robin couldn’t be here with me. We’ve got Captain Tom taking care of the boat though since this is one big one. I think this is a nice way to spend a Friday before all the action …


Merial Adding Value

Chuck Zimmerman

Merial is the sponsor of the media room at the Cattle Industry Summer Conference once again. Here’s our sponsors at the media reception last night at the Buffalo Exchange. The man behind a lot of microphones here has been Van Ricketts. Van is involved with the fed cattle business. I spoke to him about two main things they’d like producers …
