Okay agrimarketers. Here’s your Friday new media lesson courtesy of Epsilon. I’ve selectively added some bold enhancements for points of particular interest. Chief Marketing Officers at many of the biggest brands in the nation are seeing a major shift in the marketing landscape. Almost two-thirds (63%) of the 175 marketing executives surveyed see an increase in their spending on interactive/digital …
Michael Peterson Receives Spirit of Hope Award
It looks like my friend Michael Peterson, who is a real friend of agriculture, just received a major award from the USO at a ceremony at the Pentagon on Tuesday. This is a picture of him on a “My Real Life, Strong For America” tour stop in Nebraska. Award-winning country music artist Michael Peterson, a special friend of The American …
Here’s What’s Wrong with the Canadian Wheat Board’s Monopoly
Siemens Says – This is why Farmers Must Vote to elect Marketing Choice candidates in the upcoming CWB board directors’ elections because Freedom of the Press is at stake. . The Canadian Wheat Board has refused my registration on two CWB media events, effectively banning me from covering, reporting, and commenting on the Wheat Board’s activities from a point of view …
Mystic Blogging Experience
This is a heads up AgWired fans that I’ll be sort of off the grid for a few days starting tomorrow. Even the agriblogger has to go far afield to recharge his batteries. It’s just that time of year. However, I’ll still be connecting periodically and I couldn’t go somewhere without blogging it. So, posting will be light for a …
COSDA-naughts Learning New Media
Thanks to Ted Quanrud, North Dakota, I’ve got a picture from my COSDA blogging class. We went at it hard and heavy for 4 hours and had a great discussion (even though the hotel’s internet access died right when I started). Today we’re going to focus on podcasting and I’ve opened up lots of web pages “just in case.” After …
COSDA Blogging Class Underway
Here we are in the COSDA blogging class. I’ll add a picture later but for now I’m just showing how to do a post in WordPress. We’re having a really good discussion and I’m hearing a lot of excellent questions, some of which pertain to a government organization blogging. Post Update: The picture is our group having lunch just now …
Ken Anderson Goes Behind Mic For Brownfield
It looks like Ken Anderson has had enough of people pointing a microphone at him. Now he’s going to do the pointing for Brownfield. Brownfield, Ag News for America welcomes Ken Anderson as Farm Director for Waitt Agribusiness in Lincoln, Nebraska. “Ken’s roots run deep in agriculture in the region served by Waitt Agribusiness. His experience on both sides of …
John Davis in St. Louis For AgWired
Meet John Davis in case you haven’t. I meant to let you know earlier that he’s covering the Farm Foundation’s Transition to a Bio Economy: Environmental and Rural Impacts Conference in St. Louis this week while Cindy is in Des Moines at the World Food Prize Symposium and I’m at Sunbelt Ag Expo. I met John when I hired him …
Pfizer and Martin Williams Win CEBA
Pfizer Animal Health and agency, Martin Williams, did very well in ABM’s CEBA awards. American Business Media recently awarded its 13th annual Creative Excellence in Business Advertising (CEBA) Awards. Pfizer Animal Health and agency Martin Williams took top honors for “Chicken Soup,” a print ad promoting the leading cattle anti-infective brand DRAXXIN® (tulathromycin) Injectable Solution. The CEBA awards were founded …
Self Image in Water
I really appreciate John Deere holding their Drive Green media event in Sarasota, FL. After all, it is my home town. So, after the event was over I stayed an extra couple days to see some high school friends and family. And no stay in Sarasota would be complete without a trip to Siesta Key Beach. The water was absolutely …