Sarah Beth Aubrey has started a new blog. I’m still wondering, “Is there anything to this whole “blogging” idea? Please go to to see my new blog. I’ll be writing regularly on funding opportunities and ideas for rural development, ag business, on-farm energy efficiency and other issues as they come up. Check back regularly to see new topics and …
View At Sunset
I know posting has been light but sometimes the agriblogger has to take a few days off. I’ll be back on the grid by Wednesday evening and ZimmComm will have some exciting news by the end of the week. Cindy is attending the Cellulosic Ethanol Summit in south Florida this week and may have some news for you from there. …
Preliminary Research Suggests Bright Future for Solid Manure Injection
Harry Siemens / Farmscape – Research conducted by the University Saskatchewan suggests a promising future for solid and semi-solid livestock manure fertilizer injection technology. Researchers with the university’s Department of Crop Science have released preliminary results of a three year study examining the agronomic and environmental implications of solid manure injection. The study, which began in the spring of 2007, …
NAFB Auction Supports Foundation
The NAFB Foundation auction to support scholarships has been an annual event since back in the days when I was on the Foundation board – long time ago! Last night’s auction included the usual top shelf items, such as a NASCAR Kansas City race package donated by Pioneer, the New Holland Boomer Pink Pedal tractor, NAFB collectible tractors, and several …
TwiTip is Your Twitter Resource
Hello Twitter lovers and wonderers. I know you either like Twitter and tweeting or you’re still wondering, “Twitter?” Now you’ve got a great new resource to help you get it from new media master down under, Darren Rowse. It’s called TwiTip. Darren is also Mr. ProBlogger. So go there. Learn and start tweeting. Warning: You may get addicted.
New Agriblogger Born
He’s a future agriblogger. I think he needs an iPhone and he’s ready to rock and blog! He’s Braden Slagle, born this morning to your Zimfo Bytes blogger, Melissa Slagle. She’s married to Nate by the way who had a lot to do with this new creation too. Melissa is taking a blogging break although I’m sure she could start …
Willie Nelson For Secretary of Agriculture
Why not? He’s been advocating for family farmers for years right? He’s already started advising the incoming O-man. Read his letter here. Farm Aid President Willie Nelson sent an open letter to President-elect Barack Obama today, congratulating him on his victory and offering Farm Aid as a resource for a new farm and food policy that supports a sustainable, family …
Fall Drive By Shooting
We don’t usually hit the height of fall color in Missouri in November but we have this year. This is a drive by shot of some serious color in the late afternoon sun on the river bluffs of the Missouri River. I spent the day getting deer hunting camp ready for opening day which follows the NAFB convention this year. …
Appaloosa Pumpkins
Last year on Halloween I was blogging the Appaloosa World Show for Steve Taylor and crew at the Appaloosa Horse Club. This year Steve is a master agriblogger and handling the job very well. Here’s a picture from his posts at the show this week. Probably the toughest job I’ve had all week at the Appaloosa World Show in Fort …
Laser Pumpkins
We’ve got the candy ready for the evening onslaught and will be dishing it out in between calls from automated political campaigns. It’ll all be over next week! I saw this on Gizmodo and thought you might enjoy it. You could risk cutting yourself with a knife. Or you could buy one of those mini saw kits that always break …