Connecting with Consumers

Amanda Nolz

Without a doubt, those of us in agriculture have science backing us up to defend our food production practices. We can spout off the latest studies, nutrition facts or university research to give credit to our feed rations, grazing methods, and the reasons to include meat and dairy in a healthy diet. However, these studies never seem to resonate with …


BAGnewsNotes Dissects Photos

Amanda Nolz

Have you heard of BAGnewsNotes? It’s a website I recently discovered that dissects and unveils the hidden meanings behind photographs. Probably like many of you, I’m a photograhy junky, and I love to learn anything and everything about the art of taking quality, meaningful photos. I truly believe that a good photograph can take the place of an article if …


Morning Moon

Chuck Zimmerman

This was the morning moon that was staring me in the face when I went outside a while ago. Pretty cool view to start the day so I thought I’d share it. So, what’s new in your world? Cindy will be heading to Louisville, KY today for the National Farm Machinery Show and I’ll be finishing preparations for my presentation …


Camel Sighting

Chuck Zimmerman

When you think of Texas, you think cowboys and cattle but . . . On my way back from Childress yesterday I saw a bunch of these off of Highway 278 so I had to stop. They were just grazing around. I can’t say I’ve ever seen a camel farm. So that’s just one of the unique sights on this …


Visiting With Russell Graves

Chuck Zimmerman

Meet Russell Graves, He’s a professional photographer whose work I absolutely love. I’m on a layover in Ft. Worth, TX and he was gracious enough to take some time to meet with me to talk “shop” today. We’re going to record an interview here in a few minutes for tomorrow’s ZimmCast. The drive up here from Ft. Worth was …



Cindy Zimmerman

Are these kids cute or what? These are the ZimmKids – our Georgia nieces and nephews that I had a chance to spend some quality time with on my first night here in Atlanta. They surprised me by wearing the AgWired t-shirts we sent to them last year. So they’re a little large for them – that just makes it …


Government RSS Feeds For Agriculture

Chuck Zimmerman

I”m not sure how much ag news will be fed into but they’re doing RSS feeds now powered by NewsGator. The release claims you can get a feed for Agriculture but it looks like it’s lumped in with Environment and Energy. However, you can find other specific agriculture feeds here. The Federal government today announced the availability of breaking …


God Bless Farm Gals

Amanda Nolz

It is often overlooked that the female in a farming operation plays a crucial role in the success of that business. This ranch partner wears many hats including: hired hand, meals-on-wheels service, chauffer, maid, errands-runner, fix-it gal and chore help. She can be found in the kitchen, in the feedyard, on a tractor or in a repair shop. She keeps …
