Just in time for an end of week road trip I got in the monster of agriblogging and farm podcasting machines. It’s a 17″ big Mac made for today’s “all platform journalist.” I am pumped up. In just another lesson about how cool Macs are, I just plugged in my Time Machine backup, started it up and within a few …
Last week, I wrote a blog post asking for advice on what equipment I needed to purchase to effectively work as an agricultural journalist. I had some great feedback, and I appreciate everybody’s insights on this topic. Now, for those of you that already have every piece of equipment known to man, you have probably heard of Engadget. If you …
Self-Improvement with Dale Carnegie
Dale Carnegie (1888-1955) is widely recognized for his best-selling self-help books including: How to Win Friends and Influence People, The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking and How to Stop Worrying and Start Living. What started as a night job teaching adults at the YMCA turned into a national phenomenon as Dale Carnegie dedicated his life to teaching others …
What’s Great About Ag?
If you tune into this blog, then you are undoubtedly involved in a career in agriculture, in some form or another. Certainly, people choose to work in agriculture for a variety of reasons, and as I prepare to graduate, I have been thinking long and hard about my choice to work in this industry, as well. Growing up on a …
I Need Your Advice
I will be graduating from South Dakota State University in May, and hopefully, I will be ranching with my parents and working as a freelance writer once I hit the “real world.” When I’m not outside helping with cattle chores, I hope to get a lot of writing and photography work done. As I embark on my career as an …
Country Courtney
I’d like to congratulate Country Living Association Executive Director, Courtney Kleefus (Yuskis) on her wedding last weekend. Isn’t she lovely? She’s back at work already and I appreciate her sharing a photo for me to share with you.
Flip Ultra Captures Video Clips with Ease
When my professor in my class, Digital Media Production, told us that we were required to purchase a Flip Ultra Video Recorder for class, I was disgusted. Great, this is just what I need…buying a junky piece of equipment that I will never use after this class. However, my bad attitude didn’t last for long. As I started to use …
Cattle Rancher Utilizes Power of Newsletters
I recently signed up for a newsletter hosted by Pharo Cattle Company (PCC). With tens of thousands of readers, I figured I could learn something from Kit Pharo and his crew that puts together this newsletter and marketing tool for his cattle operation. These PCC updates arrive in my inbox and include: a welcome letter, quotes, guest editorial pieces, reader …
United Fresh Virtual Marketplace
The United Fresh Produce Association is proud to announce the launch of the United Fresh Virtual Marketplace, the first 24/7 search engine for produce industry products and services associated with a North American produce event. The United Fresh Virtual Marketplace lists detailed product information in hundreds of categories from over 220 companies, including exhibitors at the upcoming United Fresh 2009 …
Need Some Moo’tivation?
The weekend is almost here, but not yet. You still have a pile of work stacked up on your desk, teasing you that you still have two more days until the weekend! The coffee pot is running low, the donuts are stale and the sun is peaking through of the clouds begging you to come outside and enjoy the weather. …