Dr. Ann Wilkinson on Animal Health, Genetics and Food Safety

Cindy Zimmerman

In the wake of headlined disease outbreaks in livestock, such as the H1N1 virus and Avian flu among several others, Dr. Ann Wilkinson, associate director of Global Alliances for Pfizer Animal Health in Christchurch, New Zealand, spoke at Wednesday morning’s session of the International Farm Management Association Congress on issues relating to advancements in animal health and food safety. In …


Local Organizations Sponsor IFMA17 Refreshments

Cindy Zimmerman

As delegates from over 26 countries convene in central Illinois this week for the International Farm Management Congress, they are sure to not go hungry courtesy of local organizations. Each tour allows for a 10 minute “grab and go” break where conference attendees can snatch a quick snack and share stories with other delegates. GROWMARK called on organizations like the …


North American DuPont Bio Fuels Presents View of Energy Future

Cindy Zimmerman

Attendees of the International Farm Management Association 17 Congress were witness to a very optimistic view of the future of renewable energy. Dennis Magyar, a renewable energy industry leader with North American DuPont Biofuels, gave an insightful presentation on the future of bio fuels and bio fuel technologies. The presentation began discussing the desire for energy independence, establishing the importance …


Andrew Young Discusses Advantages and Challenges to Wind Energy

Cindy Zimmerman

Wind energy is an up and coming technology in the U.S. and central Illinois. Attendees of the International Farm Management Association 17 Congress (IFMA 17) got a chance to learn more about this current, complex energy issue. Andrew Young, CDO of Horizon Wind Energy, addressed the IFMA 17 Congress today in the Brown Ballroom at Illinois State University. Young’s presentation …


A Posting Slowdown

Chuck Zimmerman

Okay. Cindy has tweeted “My Twittering husband, who tweets photos of what he makes for dinner, doesn’t bother to tweet that he’s in the hospital for pneumonia.” She’s right. Maybe I should have been writing about this but I just couldn’t find the right “voice” for it and it’s been one of those things that has dragged on for a …


IFMA 17 Delegates Travel on Bio-Fuels

Cindy Zimmerman

IFMA 17 was not kidding when it came up with its concept for the second Congress ever held in the U.S. Conference planners have woven the theme of “Food, Fiber and Energy” throughout the past few days of the Congress. However, it may surprise a few of the international delegates to learn their transportation is also joining the IFMA 17 …


Breakout Sessions Offer Global Perspectives

Cindy Zimmerman

Instead of traveling to 26 different countries to hear about the deregulation of South African dairy farmers or the sustainable practices of farms set in the Blue Ridge Mountains, IFMA 17 delegates can simply travel across the street to breakout sessions on the Illinois State University campus. With several broad categories to choose from, ranging from farm management to marketing …


Sustainable Ag for Farming Future

Cindy Zimmerman

Populations are growing, diets are becoming healthier, land and water rights are being cracked down upon and the consumption of food is doubling as the years progress forward becomes, “The need for and acceptance of biotechnology in feeding a hungry world.” Kevin Eblen, of the Monsanto Company, set the stage for his presentation Monday with a video that talks about …


GMOs in France

Cindy Zimmerman

Genetically Modified Organisms or GMOs have become a topic of skepticism, especially in France, and the discussion was on tap Monday afternoon at the International Farm Management Congress. Anti-GMO activists, who view the harvests as highly unnatural, have destroyed fields of these experimental crops. Mourad Hannachi, a PhD student the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, has studied the difficulties …
