2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Catch Me in Pierre Tomorrow!

Amanda Nolz

Today, I’m hitting the road to attend an event with the South Dakota CattleWomen’s Association. I will be their keynote speaker at the Ramkota Inn in Pierre, S.D. during their noon luncheon. I will be speaking on my life since being the 2006 National Beef Ambassador and explaining the importance of getting involved in our agriculture industry. I’m excited to …


Changing Senate Ag Chairs

Cindy Zimmerman

It became official today that Sen. Tom Harkin of Iowa will become chairman of the Senate health committee, replacing the late Sen. Edward Kennedy. The move means that Harkin will no longer be chairman of the agriculture committee, but says he will remain as a member of the committee which he has been on since 1985. “My dedication to the …


What I’ve Been Up To Lately…

Amanda Nolz

It’s been a few weeks since I have had the chance to sit down and blog on AgWired. I can’t believe how crazy busy the summer got, and how quickly it is fading into fall. In the past two weeks, I was at the Minnesota and South Dakota State Fairs with cattle in tow, and it’s amazing how much time …


Meals in the Field

Amanda Nolz

More than one-hundred Illinois farm families will be reminded to stay “Alert, Aware & Alive” as they enjoy a complimentary lunch meal delivered to where they are working during the September 20-26 National Farm Safety & Health Week. Farm Credit Services of Illinois is sponsoring the annual “Meals in the Field” program to help promote farm safety. Growing up with …


New & Improved AgWired Mobile Launches

Chuck Zimmerman

We’re making a major change to our AgWired Mobile service starting today. As many of you who have subscribed know, we’ve been sending custom text messages via AgWired Mobile when we see important information that we believe you’d be interested in knowing. Feedback has been great. However, we found that most of what we posted via AgWired Mobile was also …


AgChat Summary

Chuck Zimmerman

If you weren’t able to participate in last night’s AgChat session via Twitter then you missed a good one. The topic was going to be bioenergy but that got moved to next week in favor of a focus on how agriculture is portrayed in the mainstream media in light of a recent article in Time Magazine and an opinion piece …


Zimfo Bytes

Melissa Sandfort

Andrew (Andy) Stevens, editor of American Small Farm magazine, has been inducted into both the Ohio Ag Hall of Fame and the Farm Science Review Hall of Fame. Consumers rank almonds as the most essential nut and the top nut consumers choose most to eat on an ongoing basis, according to the Almond Board of California’s 2009 Consumer Attitudes, Awareness …


The Real Purpose of 4-H Livestock Projects

Amanda Nolz

Every summer, my family spends a lot of time working on our show cattle to take to livestock expos around the country. These shows are both educational and fun, and over the years, they have quickly become our family “vacations,” too. I ran across this positive article about the real purpose of 4-H livestock projects written by Extension Educator Randall …


Zimfo Bytes

Melissa Sandfort

USDA releases wheat outlook: Examines supply, use, prices, and trade for wheat, including supply and demand prospects in major importing and exporting countries. Contains data and information on U.S. wheat by class. USDA releases cotton and wool outlook: Examines supply, use, prices, and trade for cotton and wool, including supply and demand prospects in major importing and exporting countries. Includes …


Add American Lamb To Your Grill

Chuck Zimmerman

A tasty sounding addition to your summer grill is American lamb. It looks like the competition was fierce when the American Lamb Board held their summer grilling recipe contest. When the smoke cleared, two contestants remained in the second annual “Get Your Grill On” American lamb video contest: Nikki Norman and the lamb loving duo, Matt Charpentier and Joe Riley. …
