Book Review – Out at Night

Joanna Schroeder

I’m thinking about eating dinner and if I were susceptible to drama then I’d rethink my dinner plans. I just finished reading the novel “Out at Night,” a work of fiction by Susan Arnout Smith, that uses genetically modified organisms (GMO) as its basis for murder and mayhem. Now, I don’t profess to be able to discern between fact and …


Student Bloggers Covering AGMasters Conference

Cindy Zimmerman

I am working with a number of talented young student bloggers covering the AGMasters Conference at the University of Illinois and they are doing an awesome job of audio interviews and posting on the conference blog. The bloggers include Crop Science majors Ross Recker (pictured interviewing Emerson Nafzinger) and Jared Roskamp. They have both done great interviews, first time ever! …


AGMasters Conference Underway

Cindy Zimmerman

The inaugural AGMasters Conference is underway at the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana and there is a good crowd on hand, despite the fact that many farmers around the state are still out harvesting corn. This event is a new format for a conference that has a 60 year history at the university. Once upon a time, it was called …


AGMasters Conference Coverage

Cindy Zimmerman

As Chuck heads out of the country, I am heading out to Champaign, Illinois today to cover the inaugural AGMasters Conference at the University of Illinois. I will be providing coverage here on Agwired and other ZimmComm sites, as well as on the AGMasters Conference blog – with the help of several ag comm and crop science students from the …


Blog – Twitter – Not Versus But And

Chuck Zimmerman

It’s just natural for people to look for the next big thing and in media it’s no different. I’ve been asked a number of times by clients and friends “Is blogging still relevant?” or “With Twitter, do I still need my blog?” My answer is that a good blog is as much or more relevant than ever. Here’s one reason …


Happy Thanksgiving From South Dakota!

Amanda Nolz

Wishing a warm, safe and happy Thanksgiving from my family in South Dakota to yours. Where will you be spending the holidays? What are you thankful for this year? In echoing the sentiments of Cindy’s Thanksgiving post, today is a day to be thankful and count our many blessings. While most of us have a family to share the day …


Time to be Thankful

Cindy Zimmerman

This is the time of year we take at least a moment to be thankful for the great abundance of food we have in this country. A recent report from USDA shows that over 85 percent of American households have enough – or more than enough – to eat. That means that as a nation, we are “food secure.” That …


Farm Bureau Helps Provide Beginning Farmer Info

Cindy Zimmerman

The American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) is helping to support the future of agriculture by assisting in the creation of an information clearinghouse for beginning farmers. AFBF has teamed up with the Agriculture Department’s National Agricultural Library to create the National Curriculum and Training Clearinghouse for Beginning Farmers and Ranchers. The program will help those who have decided to pursue …


Twitter DM Attack

Chuck Zimmerman

Spammers, those who are lower than pond scum, are really hitting Twitter hard right now. I’ve received over 30 spam Direct Messages (DM’s) from people I follow this morning and I know my followers have received one from me. You can read an article on PC World about it. It’s a phishing attack to try to get you to click …


Blogger Buzz

Amanda Nolz

Earlier this week, I wrote about Obama signing HR 2997 into law, another emergency stimulus package that, this time, could assist dairy producers. I was checking the news yesterday, when I came across this blog post about my blog post. Oh, how fun blogger buzz can be! Here is the post that was on KELO by Madville Times (who isn’t …
