Who knew that there was an “Official Blog of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency”? And who would have imagined that a federal agency would allow contributions to it by government employees who want to promote their particular lifestyle or agenda? An intern at the Office of Children’s Health Protection (whatever that is) who is a “sophomore studying non-profit management at …
AgChat Foundation Goal To Help Farmers Agvocate
Jeff Fowle is a northern California farmer with a very diversified operation and he’s also a founding board member of the AgChat Foundation. He’s the next interview in my series with all the board and advisory board members of the newly formed Agvocacy group. As the fourth generation to farm and ranch at his current location, and raising the fifth, …
AutoCopter Has Ag Applications
This flying machine has got to appeal to the kid in any farmer or rancher who loves to play with remote-controlled toys. It’s called the AutoCopter, it costs about $30,000 up front and less than $2.00 an hour to operate, and it can let you see your crops, land, fences, barn roof, wind turbine or whatever from a bird’s eye …
AgChat On An iPad
The iPad got a great workout tonight with AgChat. My case arrived today which allows me to prop it up in portrait or landscape mode. With my bluetooth keyboard in my lap all I had to do was tap the screen every once in a while. AgChat is 2 hours and with my browser running constantly using Twubs the battery …
National Soy Foods Month
According to the National Soybean Research Laboratory April is National Soy Foods Month. I support soy very much, however, I like mine processed by an animal (poultry, pork, cattle) first. Soymilk, soy burgers and soy cheese are showing up in consumers’ shopping carts now more than ever. Take a stroll through your local grocery store and you’ll find soy foods …
Do You Have AgWired Mobile?
It has been a long time since I’ve reminded you of a great way to keep up with AgWired via your mobile phone. Besides the fact that AgWired is mobile phone browser friendly (it knows what kind of phone you use!) you can put that unlimited text plan to good use with AgWired Mobile. Sign up for free and get …
First iPad Review
Here’s my first review of my new iPad. I’m sure I’ll have more to write in coming days after I get accessories and have more time to be on it. If you’ve already got yours send me a photo of you with it and let me know your thoughts. I’ve got my extra Apple bluetooth keyboard paired to it which …
Happy Easter
Happy Easter AgWired fans. Today is a day of celebration since it marks the greatest event to ever happen in the history of the world. Jesus rising from the dead. Since so many people will be celebrating by coloring Easter eggs and cooking big meals I think we should give thanks to God for our bounty and sending His Son …
AgWired iPad
The (first) AgWired iPad has arrived and is fully synced and ready for action. Give me a day or two to use it and I’ll be writing about my impressions. In the photo are my iMac, iPad and iPhone. You can get a perspective on size from that. From a very quick first impression, it has a beautiful screen and …
National iPad Day
Alert and soon to be uber-cool AgWired fan, Curt Blades, is in line at the Apple Store in Des Moines to obtain his iPad. Yes folks. Pics like this one are all over the web this morning on National iPad Day. Curt says there’s at least 100 in two lines, one for reservations and one for walk-ins. If he sends …