RFA Ethanol Podcast

Economics blamed for declines in barley acres in Western Canada

Harry Siemens

By Harry Siemens / Farmscape.ca   —  While those who support the Canadian Wheat Board would have producers believing the drop in barley and even wheat acres has to do with weather and other such things, but there are those who actually think it has to do with economics. A researcher with the University of Saskatchewan told Bruce Cochrane at …


National Farm-City Week Symposium

Chuck Zimmerman

Here are some of our attendees at the National Farm-City Week Symposium. Includes Grasslands FFA members and Pennsylvania state officers. Glad to see them here. Most were at the National FFA Convention. I’m mostly live tweeting today using the #FarmCityWeek hashtag so feel free to lurk or chime in.


From Farm To City

Chuck Zimmerman

I only get to do this once a year and when I get lucky with a nice buck I’ve got to share. I enjoyed a great post-NAFB convention deer hunt once again. In fact, next year will be my 20th anniversary of fall Missouri deer hunting. Kind of hard to believe. My brother Paul and his sons joined me and …


Burning The Midnight Oil

Melissa Sandfort

When I tell people where we live, I’ve actually had a couple folks ask if we had indoor plumbing. They picture rural Nebraska with outhouses and well water that we have to carry in with buckets. (We are on well water, but it has a pump and we have an operating sink!) We’ve come a long way since then, but …


The Weight of the World is On My…Horns?

Melissa Sandfort

It seems like my grandpa knows a little bit about a lot of things. Jack of all trades, master of none is how some people put it. I like to think he’s a walking dictionary, encyclopedia and history book, and I enjoy his stories. The other day, I asked him to pull something out of his treasure trailer that he …


2-way? 9-way? Which way?

Melissa Sandfort

Today, we have 2-way radios, 3-way light bulbs, 2-in-1 juicer/squeezer and 3-in-1 breakfast makers. They’re designed to make life easier, quicker and simpler. Now, out of the kitchen and into the shop…..if anyone has ever looked in my husband’s toolbox, you’d know that wrenches, nuts and bolts are anything but easy and simple. He has square-head, hex-head and 12-point wrenches. …


They Just Don’t Make ‘Em…

Melissa Sandfort

…like they used to. I hear that same phrase muttered under the breath of house wives when it comes to washing machines and blenders, and the same from farmers when it comes to equipment. Things are made faster, cheaper, and don’t last as long as they used to. I think that’s to encourage continued consumer spending. Take this bridge for …


Pheasant Success

Chuck Zimmerman

This farmland in central South Dakota is just some of the best land to hunt pheasant. Once again this year my group got their limit each day. With all the birds cleaned and in the freezer it’s time to relax and watch some more football. Feel free to share your favorite pheasant recipe if you’ve got one. I’ll add mine …


Corn Harvesting

Chuck Zimmerman

On the drive up to central South Dakota I saw a lot of this. These guys were working very close to my destination so I took a photo before driving around them on the gravel road. This weekend I’m mostly off the grid due to no AT&T service and very little Verizon. Yeah. It’s kind of like withdrawal but it …
