2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

The Derry Brownfield Show Tribute

Cindy Zimmerman

Good ol’ Brown Derryfield will be remembered today at 10:00 central time as “The Derry Brownfield Show” will be a memorial to the man who was common sense personified. It’s planned to be the final episode of the talk show which started in 1994. As Chuck already noted, we’ve known Derry for over 20 years now, having moved from Florida …


It’s a Family Affair

Melissa Sandfort

This column has caused quite a stir. Not only do I get the pleasure of writing about the farming history of my Grandfather and some of the “ways of yesteryear” from my Grandmother, but today, I have my Aunt to thank for “loaning” me a story idea. This truly has turned into fine family fun! When you were younger, did …


It’s a Cuisinart

Melissa Sandfort

Can’t you just picture someone’s scrunched up face when they say, “It’s a Cuisinart”? It grinds, it brews, it practically makes breakfast for you. And if you live on coffee alone in the mornings, it DOES make breakfast for you! This hand-crank coffee grinder belonged to my great, great-grandmother. Manual hand mills came in handy when you only needed a …


Till We Meet Again

Melissa Sandfort

One of my goals living on the farm is to have a garden. I started one in Kansas City, but then we moved away. But this summer, I’m going to make a concerted effort to keep a family tradition going. We have these Syrian cucumbers that look like pinwheels when you cut them and never get bitter, no matter how …


The Hay Rake

Melissa Sandfort

I’ve mentioned that I’m a corn and soybeans kind of gal. But I’m broadening my horizons and learning more about hay. This rake sits outside my Grandpa and Grandma’s house. Back in the late ‘teens, the rake was pulled by two horses while the operator would sit on the seat. He had two pedals –- one to engage the dogs …


Wilhelm Named VP of Marketing at Rabo AgriFinance‏

Melissa Sandfort

Rabo AgriFinance, has named Bob Wilhelm to the new role of Vice President, Marketing and Communications. Wilhelm, a seasoned agriculture marketing and communications veteran, will oversee all marketing and communications strategic development, branding, activities and people for Rabo AgriFinance. Wilhelm comes to this new role with over 25 years’ experience, most recently at AdFarm, where he headed up that agency’s …


Save the Best for Next Year

Melissa Sandfort

Today, most farmers have other occupations to supplement their income. They farm, they run a trucking operation, they sell anhydrous, they sell seed corn, they run a grain elevator. I think I just described my brother to a “T” as one of his other duties as assigned is a seed corn dealer. Every year, people come to him to buy …


After all, what is average?

Melissa Sandfort

To be told something is average has a negative or “middle of the road – not to exceed expectation” kind of connotation. But if you think of what it means, it’s just that there’s got to be someone or something higher, and someone or something lower. When my son was a baby, they’d say — “He’s in the 95th percentile …


When Was He Born?

Melissa Sandfort

Asking “When was he born?” might be a polite way to ask “How old are you?” But I’m allowed to ask that question of ancestors long gone. This photo is of Jonathan Henry, my Grandmother’s great-grandfather, born in 1848. This was taken in 1898. He farmed along the Missouri River until it rose out of its banks and washed away …


Last Day to Register On-Line for Classic

Cindy Zimmerman

Today is the final day to register on-line for Commodity Classic, March 3-5 in Tampa. It’s an event you don’t want to miss! The 16th Annual Commodity Classic will help growers set sail for a successful 2011 by offering educational sessions on topics such as the new pesticide application permits, crop insurance and sustainability. “There is no better time to …
