It’s quiet around here. And because I was going through withdrawal from the incessant watering and feeding I usually have to do, I decided to clean out the horse’s water tank and scoop the poo from inside the barn where they hang out in the shade. It was much more enjoyable this time because while the horses are gone, so …
Zimfo Bytes
Syngenta announced that, during the 2012 calendar year, ROGERS, Synergene Seed & Technology and Pybas Vegetable Seed Company brand varieties are being transitioned to the Syngenta brand. The North American Equipment Dealers Association released its 2012 Dealer-Manufacturer Relations Survey and Kubota Tractor Corporation tops the charts across several key categories. CP Bio Energy announced two new national programs for the …
My First Harvest
I liked it so much last year I had to do it again – plant my loose leaf blend lettuce, that is. It’s taken a little more time and care this year though to get it started since the weather has turned out so dry and I have a sneaky suspicion that for once the climatologist had it right … …
Celebrating Moms
In honor of Mother’s Day yesterday, I thought I’d post another picture of momma and filly. It’s with a sad heart that I post this, too, because I believe a new home has been found for “Surprise” once she’s weaned. I feel a little like I’m losing one of my own, and as a mother myself, it’s hard to see …
Up and Out
A little over a week ago I planted my entire garden and my new job responsibility around our place is “always watering or feeding something”. Whether it be the horses or cat, trees or new flowers, garden, husband and son, they all have to eat and drink. So every evening, you can see me dragging three hoses through the yard …
Morning Surprise
So this morning I was going about my usual routine (even had time to throw a pie in the oven) getting my boys off to work and to the babysitter. I came home, continued that routine and was off to work when my husband comes in the door and says, “Did you see what was out in the pasture?” Nope. …
Moon Shots
The SuperMoon tonight made me think of these lyrics. Honk if you know the 5th Dimension and remember them. When the moon is in the Seventh House And Jupiter aligns with Mars Then peace will guide the planets And love will steer the stars The clouds cleared out just in time for tonight’s Cinco de Mayo moon event here in …
The Lucky One
I’m not referencing the movie that’s in the theater, although I did see it and it was very good. (Ten minutes into it though, I realized I’d read the book!) I’m talking about my husband…I’m going to start calling him the lucky one. There are some people in this world who seem to have luck on their side; those who …
Boyhood Chores
When I was growing up, my mom had a job working at the high school and every morning she’d leave me with my day’s “to do” list of chores. This included dusting (which was my absolute least favorite), vacuuming, organizing, taking trash out, sweeping, watering plants … you see the trend. They were pretty mindless jobs that kept a 12-year-old …
Anymore Frost in Sight?
For more than a month now, four kinds of tomatoes and four kinds of peppers in 20 labeled “ready-to-plant” potters have been sitting on our kitchen table and now in the garage. I’m waiting. Earlier this month we had two weeks of 85-degree days but then Monday morning of this week we had frost again. And I don’t have enough …