Okay. Since you’re going to hear about this from everybody you may as well hear it here too. The House passed CAFTA-DR last night. Vote was 217-215. Does that not tell you how divided people are on this issue? Most ag groups seem to be for it so you’ll see and hear a lot of “congratulations” stories from them. Not all in ag are happy though and certainly not all politicians. For example, take the House Democrat Ag Committee. Here’s an excerpt from Collin Peterson: “Tonight’s House vote on the Central American Free Trade Agreement, or CAFTA, was a tragedy for American agriculture and rural communities.”
World Food Day October 16
World Food Day is scheduled for October 16 and the theme is “Agriculture and intercultural dialogue.” This event is organized the the Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. “It will highlight biodiversity’s role in ensuring that people have sustainable access to enough high-quality food to lead active and healthy lives.”
New “Fight Agroterrorism” Collaboration
I’m not sure what a “new collaboration with states . . . ” means. I’d kind of like to think that these folks have all been working together already but maybe this announcements means to reassure us.
Sunset in Mid Missouri
It has been a hot and dry month in Missouri. With a few exceptions we need rain and we’re hoping to get it this week. At 4am this morning it was 81 degrees here in Holts Summit!
Comparing Blogging To Farming
I missed this story from a couple months ago by Wayne Hurlbert about the comparisons between blogging and farming in which he points to the musings on this subject by the Pro Blogger, Darren Rowse. Wayne also links to comments on this subject at Return Customer.
Centennial State Bioscience Forum
This is a conference with a price you can’t complain about since it’s free. You can get full registration information here.
Bush Speaks Out On CAFTA-DR At OAS Forum
President Bush spoke to a forum organized by the Organization of American States on CAFTA-DR today.
Time To Ride The Katy
Every once in a while you just have to take a break from the computer and “get on your bikes and ride.”
Milk Is Milk To Alex Avery
I don’t think I’ve pointed you to the Milk is Milk blog yet have I?