2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Over 1,000 Articles Now On AgWired

Chuck Zimmerman

I knew another milestone was fast approaching for AgWired but I didn’t catch it until I went past it. This post is number 1,002! When I got started I thought that I’d be lucky to post something every once in a while. Little did I know. I guess it’s called being bitten by the blog bug. Whatever it is, there is no shortage of information or topics.


What’s In The Food You Eat? ARS Knows

Chuck Zimmerman

Ag Research Service Food SearchWant to know what’s in the foods you eat? USDA’s Agricultural Research Service, Food Survey Research Group (say that 3 times real fast) just introduced a new online search tool today that let’s you find out all the food ingredient information you could ask for. It’s called “What’s In The Foods You Eat.” You can run it online or download the search tool to your computer.


New Listing Pages On AgWired

Chuck Zimmerman

Since we’re constantly evolving around here I made a few changes that you might have noticed on AgWired. I’ve added some pages that are in the top left list of links. Several of these are categories of listings that I think you’ll be interested in. They include: Agencies, Companies/Ag Groups, Media and of course, Blogs & Podcasts. This is just a start. I will be adding to this as time permits. In the meantime, I’d like you to check them out and submit links you’d like me to include. Just email me the name and url.


Calling On You Photographers

Chuck Zimmerman

I’m always looking for pictures that would make a good “Zimmage” (see top right image in sidebar). I’ll offer a free AgWired t-shirt to whoever submits their own photo that gets selected to post as a Zimmage (or in a regular post). Just email it to me. I’m looking for seasonal images, farm images, ag-related images of any kind. Let’s see how this goes.


55 Percent of Corporations Are Blogging

Chuck Zimmerman

Are you still wondering about blogging and don’t know if it has an application for you and your company? Are you reading this? If so, you have an involvement in blogging! At the just completed BlogOn 2005 in New York they released the results of Guidewire Group’s “Blogging in the Enterprise,” a first-ever study of the adoption of blogging by communications and marketing professionals. Now I’ve always told my kids, “Just because someone else is doing it doesn’t make it right.” However, there’s a lot of corporate blogging going on folks!
