It’s the end of the year and although I don’t have a “year in review” to offer I do have some statistics, reflections and ideas to share. Statistics as in traffic to the ZimmComm blogs. I’ll update this post if there’s a big change in the numbers by midnight (that is if I remember).
WordPress 2.0 Now Available
It’s the best and it sounds like it’s getting better. For all you bloggers and wanna-be’s you need WordPress to do it right. I’m hooked and it’s going to be hard to change me.
Merry Christmas From ZimmComm
Well it’s time to quit for the weekend and I promise not to post again until Monday. It’s time to celebrate Christmas and here at ZimmComm we’re not ashamed to say it. There’s a reason we call it Christmas and He’s the reason for the season. This is our little Nativity scene which reminds us of why we have so much to be thankful for and so much hope for the future.
The Vice President And His iPod
I just have to laugh about this story and share it with you. First it was “W” and his iPod, now it’s our VP Dick Cheney and his iPod. I just saw this story on C/Net from ABC News. Apparently some reporters on Air Force Two weren’t happy that the Veep’s iPod was charging in the power outlet they needed. Guess who’s plane it is!
AgWired Gets Media Creds Again
How many of you would consider AgWired a “legitimate” media outlet? Are we providing information? Is it news? Does that make me a reporter?
D&PL 10 Year On NYSE
D&PL rang the closing bell at the New York Stock Exchange Monday for their 10 year anniversary. I wonder if they all had to ride bikes to get there with the transit strike that’s going on.
WTO – Hong Kong & Gone
Well what do you think? Did our USTR, Robert Portman and his team do a good job? There’s an agreed upon declaration which is more progress than I think most thought would happen. You can see what the WTO website calls the “draft ministerial text.” I don’t know if it’s the final approved one or not.
TGIF All You Agrimarketing Professionals
On the road again. Heading back from Des Moines so you won’t see much until this evening or this weekend.
Watch & Listen To WTO Talks Via Webcasts
In case you’re really interested in what’s going on at the WTO talks in Hong Kong they are recording and webcasting many of the public sessions like news conferences and statements. They’re offering them live and archived in video and audio format and even in different languages.
Johanns Appoints Cotton Board Members
U. S. Secretary of Agriculture, Mike Johanns, announced some new Cotton Board members: