2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Facebook on Oprah

Amanda Nolz

As much as I dislike Oprah for her animosity towards agriculture and food production, I took note of her show last Friday the 13th. The segment was titled, “The Face Behind Facebook,” and Oprah interviewed founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg about the social networking site’s success. With 175 million users, this project that started in a Harvard dormitory, has quickly …

Social Networking

Social Networking/Blogging Now 4th Most Popular Online Activity

Chuck Zimmerman

That’s a long headline but it pretty much sums up Nielsen’s latest report, “Global Faces and Networked Places” (pdf). I like the way they describe it as a “global footprint.” We are communicating online globally now in ways you couldn’t imagine ten years ago and that certainly includes agriculture. Here’s some tidbits: . . . the global media and advertising …

Social Networking

10 Ways to Increase Your Twitter Followers

Amanda Nolz

For you tweeters, this headline must have caught your eye. After all, most of us are on Twitter to try to project a message about our place of business, our passions and the things that interest us. An increase in your following with increase your ability to spread your messages to a wider audience. My Twitter life has substantially increased …

Social Networking

Monsanto Creates Farm Weather and News

Chuck Zimmerman

Monsanto is making a bold move with a unique partnership with the Weather Channel. Nothing like taking two of the things most important to farmers and making it easily available to them in an online and social networking environment! The Weather Channel Interactive, in partnership with agricultural products leader Monsanto Company (NYSE: MON), announced a new section on weather.com® dedicated …

Social Networking, Weather

eplantspace.com Social Networking Site

Chuck Zimmerman

The urge to connect socially online continues to grow. I am constantly surprised at who I’m connecting with online via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. I have new friends and contacts on each of them every day, in fact, several times every day. That’s why I find it interesting when a company or organization tries to create their own social networking …

Internet, Social Networking