The Corn Utilization and Technology Conference concluded today with a final general session on water usage. Opening the session was Rick Tolman, CEO, National Corn Growers Association. I met with Rick before heading back to the agriblogging highway and we talked about his message of agvocating. That of course is advocating for agriculture. Rick says we have such a great …
Will You Be At BlogWorld
Registration is now open for this year’s BlogWorld and New Media Expo. I attended last year and am hoping to do so again this year schedule permitting. If you really want to hone your new media and social networking skills then this is the place to do it. It would be cool to have other ag folks there! Join us …
Ethanol Tweeter Recognized for Use of Social Media
The Alternative Fuel Vehicle Institute (AFVi) recognized outstanding use of social media in the alternative fuels industry as part of their 16th annual conference held this week in Las Vegas. Robert White, Director of Market Development for the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA), who tweets under the name @fuelinggood, was awarded the 24/7 Blend Award for “his leadership in industry-wide education …
Get Over Your Fear of Social Media
Are you afraid of social media? Is the leadership in your company afraid of it? Then you need to visit with David Meerman Scott. He’s a recovering VP of Marketing and author of the book World Wide Rave. He is conducting the NAMA Pre-Conference Workshop, “Conquering the Fear of Social Media.” David will also be the keynote speaker at tomorrow’s …
If you’ve never looked at your TweetStats you might find some interesting information in there. I just ran a scan of my tweets and here’s my tweetcloud. I also notice in my stats that my tweet volume is down slightly from last year. Not sure why that is but I’m not going to lose any sleep over it. It looks …
AgChat Nation
If the AgChat Foundation has its way the whole nation will be participating in a weekly Twitter conversation. Okay. Maybe that’s a little grandiose but the goal of the Foundation is to get many more farmers involved with Agvocacy by telling their story and interacting with consumers and each other via social networking. In this week’s program I’ve got another …
AgChat Foundation To Help Farmers With Social Media
That weekly AgChat Twitter conversation is nearing its one year anniversary and it has helped energize and inspire many farmers to engage online to agvocate for their industry using social networking tools like Twitter and Facebook. Still wondering if farmers are engaged online? Today the AgChat Foundation has been announced via Twitter. This farmer led group “is designed to empower …
The Teat Tweet
This is taking teating, er, I mean tweeting to a whole new level. Not only are dairy farmers getting social but so are dairy cows. From our World Dairy Diary site: Wondering what your cows are thinking? Well, a group of Candain Holsteins is telling the world through Twitter, exactly what they are mooing about. Called “The Teat Tweet“, the …
Dairy Farmers Getting Social With myDairy Program
Dairy Management Inc. is conducting a webinar on social media for dairy producers in a couple weeks. Dairy producers who use Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to stay connected with family and friends, and producers who want to learn about these tools, are encouraged to participate in a free 90-minute webinar on Thursday, April 15 to learn how these applications can …
Why Do People Use Social Networks
When I speak on the subject of social networking I first try to get my audience to think of how they interact socially with others when they’re together. A good example is at a conference cocktail party. You form little groups of people who discuss topics of common interest that may include business or personal issues. Right? From there I …