send news release today

Dawn White Getting Some Real Yield with LibertyLink

Chuck Zimmerman

We often think of weed resistance as being some kind of midwest and south phenomenon but think east U.S. as in South Carolina. Cindy spoke with farmer Dawn White for an episode of LibertyLink Real Yield Radio and you can hear what she has to say below. Now, while you’re celebrating some Thanksgiving with the family how about trying the …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Seed, Soybean

Update from @Better_Seed at #NAFB15

Cindy Zimmerman

It’s always a pleasure for me to catch up with the sweet and lovely president of the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA), Risa DeMasi. We’ve been friends for three years now since she started her journey in the leadership of ASTA and it’s been really exciting to watch her grow into such a great spokesperson for such an important industry. …

ASTA, Audio, NAFB, Seed

Time For the #RealYield Game

Chuck Zimmerman

Want to take a break from harvest? How about playing some Liberty Link Real Yield game? Here’s how you play: Visit and click on the promotion link. 1. Complete all fields in the registration or log-in process. 2. Select five fields in the game area to spray Liberty® to reveal incremental bushels of soybeans. 3. Look at the total …

Agribusiness, Bayer, Herbicide, Seed, Video

New Verdesian Seed Treatments

Joanna Schroeder

Verdesian is taking seed treatment to the next level with the latest, tweak if you will, of Take Off ST and Tuxedo. To learn more, I visited with Jim Pullens during the Farm Progress Show. He explained they have adapted Take Off ST to fit their seed treatment philosophy by getting the rates down so low that it doesn’t overload …

Agribusiness, Audio, Farm Progress Show, Seed, Verdesian

DEKALB Logo Commemorated

Kelly Marshall

The famous “winged ear” logo of DEKALB® corn first made its debut eighty years ago and has become of the most widely-recongized symbols in agriculture.  The symbol was launched in 1935 with the slogan, “DeKalb Quality Hybrids Will Be Your Mortgage Lifter.” Now the logo will be commemorated with placement of an Illinois state historical marker at Memorial Park in DeKalb, …

Agribusiness, Seed

HiSoy Golden Sweepstakes Winner

Cindy Zimmerman

Matt Davis and his son Adam who farm near Mendota, Illinois are going home from the Farm Progress Show this week with a Meridian Seed Tender, courtesy of GROWMARK and Grainco FS in honor of the 50th anniversary of HiSoy soybeans. “It’s fantastic, I didn’t actually believe it at first,” said Davis when he was awarded his prize at the …

Audio, Farm Progress Show, FS System, GROWMARK, Seed, Soybean

Honors at #ASTAannual

Cindy Zimmerman

Distinguished Service and Lifetime Honorary Member awards were presented by the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) during the closing banquet on Friday night. Honored for distinguished service to the seed industry were retired DuPont Pioneer quality supply technology manager Greg Lamka, and Betsy Peterson of the California Seed Association. Lamka, who was unable to attend to receive his award in …

ASTA, Seed

ASTA CEO Pleased with 2015 #ASTAannual

Cindy Zimmerman

American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) president and CEO Andy LaVigne is pleased with the turnout of industry members at the 132nd annual meeting in Washington DC this week and with the reception they have received on Capitol Hill. In his opening session welcome, LaVigne said he was especially thrilled to have Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack address the meeting despite his …

Agribusiness, ASTA, Audio, Biotech, Seed

ASTA Members Storm the Hill

Cindy Zimmerman

Over 120 members of the American Seed Trade Association “stormed the Hill” this week, meeting with their elected officials in Washington DC to talk about important issues for the seed industry. “It was the most people we’ve had Storm the Hill ever,” said incoming ASTA chair Risa DeMasi of Grassland Oregon. “This is the first time that I’ve gone to …

ASTA, Audio, Biotech, Seed

Secretary Vilsack Visits #ASTAannual

Cindy Zimmerman

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack stressed the importance of the seed industry to American agriculture and the nation as a whole during an address kicking off the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) annual meeting on Thursday in Washington DC. “Clearly the seed industry has been responsible for an extraordinary increase in productivity in American agriculture,” said Vilsack. “But more than that, …

ASTA, Audio, Seed, USDA