2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Connecting Farmers, Advisors and Precision Data

Talia Goes

Farmers looking to better leverage field data and expertise from their local advisor partners now have access to a new tool. Newly launched MyAgCentral is designed to bridge the gap between farmers and their trusted local advisors, allowing both to more easily exchange data and develop plans using a single online dashboard. The dashboard lets the farmer pull data from …

Agribusiness, Internet, Precision Agriculture

iCropTrak Mobile Farm Management

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello and welcome to the ZimmCast. In this week’s program we’re going to meet the new sponsor of the AgWired App, iCropTrak. We really appreciate their support and hope you’ll check out what they’re doing. To learn all about it I spoke with Aaron Hutchinson, President and one of the founders of Cogent3D, Inc. The company has also pioneered other …

Agribusiness, Apps, Audio, Precision Agriculture, ZimmCast

Raven Makes Big Announcements at RIS

Jamie Johansen

The 2013 Raven Innovation Summit wrapped up last night with an awards banquet honoring Raven Industries dealers from across the world. The two-day event consisted of the announcement of brand new innovative technologies, a trade show and educational break-out sessions where dealers got all their questions answered about the new product launches. During the opening session general manager and vice …

Audio, Precision Agriculture, Technology

Farmers Trial Monsanto FieldScripts

Cindy Zimmerman

We first told you about Monsanto’s FieldScripts last fall at Farm Progress Show. Now we will be hearing much more from farmers using it on a trial basis in the field. This planting season, more than 150 farmers in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa and Minnesota are trialing the first offering from Monsanto’s Integrated Farming SystemsSM (IFS) research platform – FieldScriptsSM. With …

Farming, Precision Agriculture

Discussing Open Data for Agriculture Conference

Chuck Zimmerman

Data, data, data. I wonder how many times that word was used at this week’s G-8 International Conference on Open Data for Agriculture? A lot I’m sure. Well, I was not there but Paul Welbig, Raven Industries was. Here’s a photo of Paul on the left with Dr. Aboubacar Diaby, Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa. They are holding …

Audio, Farming, Precision Agriculture, USDA, ZimmCast

Smart Machine Technology Growing Bigger Farms

Chuck Zimmerman

Dr. Terry Kastens is an Emeritus Professor from Kansas State University. He’s back to farming now and spoke during a Learning Center Session at Commodity Classic sponsored by John Deere. The session topic was “Better Data, Better Decisions: the ROI of Smart Machine Technology. One of the first points Dr. Karstens makes is that every new technology requires an investment. …

Agribusiness, Audio, Commodity Classic, John Deere, Precision Agriculture, Technology

Precision Pays iPad mini Giveaway Contest Winner

Chuck Zimmerman

Over on our sister website, Precision Pays, the winner of the iPad mini Giveaway Contest has been picked via random selection. He’s Nick Leibold of New Hampton, IA. Nick farms about 600 acres of corn and 400 acres of soybeans. Cindy visited with Nick by phone to let him know about his winning and to learn a little bit about …

Audio, Equipment, Farming, Precision Agriculture

Dupont Pioneer Press Conference

Chuck Zimmerman

Dupont Pioneer held a news conference at the recent Commodity Classic to introduce a new set of services. The focus of the press conference was the new Pioneer Field360 services. These new services are meant to help farmers increase productivity and profitability by providing more control of field-by-field data without having to become a technical expert. The Pioneer Field360 Services …

Agribusiness, Audio, Commodity Classic, Pioneer, Precision Agriculture

XL Solutions at Raven Industries

Jamie Johansen

Experts in Raven Industries’ applied sciences division have been busy bringing new and innovative technologies to the door step of growers across the country. The 2013 Commodity Classic was the place to display these new products and Raven Industries was there to do so. I spoke with Paul Welbig who oversees a lot of the product management issues at Raven. …

Audio, Commodity Classic, Precision Agriculture, Technology

My Field’s Been Droned Dude

Chuck Zimmerman

Ever since we’ve been hearing about the whole drone issue in Washington, DC I keep hearing this phrase in my head. But of course farm fields are being droned, by farmers themselves, and for good reasons. Here’s a great story on the subject. Helicopters are just plain cool, especially if you can operate them by remote control. The Aerial Precision …

Agribusiness, Audio, Equipment, Precision Agriculture, Video