Midwestern corn and soybean growers earned more than $140,000 in 2023 for reduced greenhouse gas emissions and increased soil carbon through implementing regenerative agriculture practices. These producers received both payments and technical assistance from Nutrien Ag Solutions as part of their participation in Eco-Harvest pilot projects. The American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) brought its well-known and widely attended Field Crop …
Precision Ag News 12/27
A webinar hosted jointly by the Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute and One CGIAR (through the International Potato Center’s Andean Initiative) will explore the nature of water-food interactions and the challenges posed by climate change in mountain environments by considering several agricultural production systems from the Andes and the Hindu Kush Himalayas, two of the world’s largest mountain chains. …
Precision Ag News 12/21
David Hula of Charles City, Virginia, set a new world record of 623.84 bushels per acre in this year’s annual National Corn Growers Association yield contest with Pioneer brand corn product P14830VYHR. Hula crushed his previous world record of 616 bushels per acre set in 2019 with the Pioneer brand P1197 family of products. In response to the Environmental Protection …
Precision Ag News 12/13
A ruling by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service allows farmers and growers to run trials on corn plants developed by Insignum AgTech. These plants use naturally occurring pigment to signal when specific plant stresses begin. Insignum AgTech CEO Kyle Mohler said the plant turns purple to indicate that a fungal infection has started but …
Precision Ag News 12/6
In celebration of World Soil Day, December 5, the Soil Health Institute (SHI) announced the release of a free phone application, Slakes, to empower and engage citizens around the world to measure aggregate stability: one of the most common indicators of soil health. On Tuesday, December 12th from 12-1pm EST, Jessica Kelton, Soil Health Educator at the Soil Health Institute …
Precision Ag News 11/29
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) released the National Strategic Germplasm and Cultivar Collection Assessment and Utilization Plan in support of the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) U.S. National Plant Germplasm System’s (NPGS) mission. The American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) applauds the release of the National Plant Germplasm and Cultivar Collection Assessment and Utilization Plan. ASTA led efforts in the Agriculture …
Precision Ag News 11/15
Syngenta Group announced that Mary-Dell Chilton, Ph.D., has been awarded the National Medal of Technology and Innovation by President Biden. Dr. Chilton led the team of Syngenta researchers that produced the first transgenic plant and pioneered plant biotechnology, discovering novel methods to improve plants’ ability to control pests and withstand extreme conditions. BASF is introducing xarvio SeedSelect, a novel seed …
Precision Ag News 11/9
Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists are leaving no stone—or rather, leaf—unturned in their search for new ways to counter the fungus that causes tar spot, a yield-robbing disease of field corn in the midwestern United States. Several research studies have demonstrated that some strains of Alternaria alternata are effective biocontrol organisms that can reduce the damage caused by plant pathogens, …
Precision Ag News 11/2
Three major businesses and organizations have signed on as sponsor partners for a benchmarking study into the use of agricultural biologicals by farmers and growers. The study: “Biologicals: Specialty Crop Growers’ Perceptions, Values, and Potential,” is set to provide a robust depth of understanding around grower-centric sentiments about the use, benefits and future for biological inputs when applied to specialty …
Precision Ag News 10/26
The U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA) released A General Assessment of the Role of Agriculture and Forestry in the U.S. Carbon Markets, a comprehensive look at current market activity, barriers to participation, and opportunities to improve access to carbon markets for farmers and forest landowners. The report is the first of USDA’s deliverables under the Growing Climate Solutions Act, which …