It was an active week in Washington, DC for legislation affecting corn growers. In this week’s CornTalk, the weekly interview report from the Missouri Corn Growers Association I interview Samantha Slater, director of public policy for the National Corn Growers Association, who gives us an update on CAFT-DR, WRDA and RFS.
Grill Beef For The 4th On This Week’s MBIC Report
At the end of last week the big news was the BSE announcement by USDA. As big as that news was it’s not something for the public to be alarmed about and that’s the word you can hear in this week’s Missouri Beef Industry Council Report from executive director Steve Taylor. Steve also talks about the upcoming July 4th opportunity to grill beef with your family and friends!
WRDA On House Floor This Week
This week the House of Representatives is supposed to bring the Water Resources Development Act to the floor for a vote. That’s the topic of CornTalk, the weekly interview program of the Missouri Corn Growers Association. I interviewed Lisa Kelley, Director of Public Policy for the National Corn Growers Association.
Agritourism Is The Topic On This Week’s ZimmCast
Agritourism has become a valuable additional way for many farms to make more money. In this week’s ZimmCast I interview Jane Eckert, Eckert Agrimarketing, about her business. Jane is a professional direct marketing consultant with a passion for agritourism. I think you’ll enjoy hearing what she’s got to say.
More Beef For Show Me State Seniors
The Show-Me State Senior Games are being held this week in Columbia, and one of the sponsors of the event is the Missouri Beef Industry Council.
Manmade Spring Rise On Missouri River Discussed On CornTalk
It’s time to save the Pallid Sturgeon on the Missouri River. At least that’s what it sounds like a bunch of concerned wildlife people want.
NAMA Leadership Interview With Don Schultz This Week’s ZimmCast
I know I posted this last week but not as a podcast. So it’s this week’s ZimmCast.
ABM Announces First Podcast
American Business Media announced its first “podcast” today.
New CBB Budget Subject Of This Week’s MBIC Report
As already posted here on AgWired, the Cattlemen’s Beef Board operating committee has recommended a new budget so that’s what this week’s MBIC Report is all about.
Senator Jim Talent Talks Energy In This Week’s CornTalk
Energy legislation is sure to be a big topic of discussion in the ag world this week so the Missouri Corn Growers Association CornTalk program features an interview with MO Senator Jim Talent.