Now even W is podcasting by gosh! If the President of the United States is podcasting then this just ain’t a strange sounding word and if you’re in public relations and communications you’d better be paying attention. We keep telling you that it’s time to “think outside the box” (I’m sick of that phrase) but at least in this case I’m talking about a box that lets you tune into a regular radio station. Times they are a changing.
Even Cities Are Podcasting
In case you’re wondering what that logo is on AgWired that says we’re a member then I’ll tell you. We’re a charter member of the International Nanocasting Alliance. This is a group that has been created to promote standards for commercial podcasting. So we said, “Why not join up?” I haven’t seen much activity yet but we’re right at the beginning of this whole podcasting revolution. If you listen to our ZimmCast then you’re listening to a podcast. It’s in an MP3 file format and except for the host (me) sounds pretty good I think. I don’t know what the standards are yet but I’m sure we’ll be working on them.
State Fair Beef Promotion In Missouri
It’s state fair time in Missouri and in this week’s Missouri Beef Industry Council Report, we learn about what the organization is doing to promote beef in Sedalia, MO. Cindy interviews MBIC marketing director, Dawn Thurnau.
Missouri Drought Subject of CornTalk
MO Governor Matt Blunt has requested a disaster declaration for farmers in over 100 counties in Missouri due to drought conditions. In this week’s CornTalk, the weekly interview program of the Missouri Corn Growers Association, our guest is Judy Grundler with the Missouri Department of Agriculture who discusses the crop conditions around the state, what the crop losses mean for Missouri, and the details of the crop disaster declaration.
ZimmCast With Kim Lang
This week’s ZimmCast is an interview with Kim Lang, Valmont Irrigation. It’s one of several I conducted at the recent Agricultural Media Summit. Kim talks about a niche product they’re testing on carrot farms in California. In order to gain greater acceptance and entry into this lucrative market her company has created a product to sort of “open the door.” Then I’m sure they hope to find access to other markets for their products.
Consumer Confidence & Producer Attitudes On The MBIC Report
In this week’s Missouri Beef Industry Council Report, chairman David Dick of Sedalia talks about consumer confidence and producer attitudes, two recent surveys released by the beef industry. You can see the surveys using these links: Consumer Confidence & Producer Attitudes
The Energy Bill Is The Topic of CornTalk
This week’s CornTalk is with Missouri Corn Merchandising Council chairman Terry Hilgedick of Hartsburg and the topic is the Energy Bill passed last week by Congress and what it means to Missouri corn growers. CornTalk is a weekly podcast on AgWired that’s produced for the Missouri Corn Growers Association.
ZimmCast With Gary Myers
One of the seminars at the Ag Relations Council meeting focused on “Ethics in Public Relations” and one of the panelists was Gary Myers, founder and past president of Morgan & Myers. Gary is still providing council to the agency. I spoke with him about his thoughts on this subject and his suggestions for young people entering the profession.
Podcasting At The University of Florida
I haven’t had a chance to plug my alma mater yet but just got a chance. The University of Florida is podcasting University News! Very cool I think. Just a demonstration of how you can use this tool. If a college can do it so can you. You can subscribe to their podcast using this link.