The Nebraska Farm Bureau is about to kick off its annual convention in Kearney. I bring this up because we have such good friends there and I don’t get a chance to write about state groups as often as I’d like. However, I want to use NEFB as an example of a group that I recommend start podcasting.
Serving Beef To Miss Missouri USA
The Missouri Beef Industry Council is involved with two different organizations this week in trying to communicate with consumers. Alane Lidolph, Director of Consumer Information, explains what she’s doing with the Miss Missouri USA Contest and the Missouri Coordinated School Health Coalition Conference. She’s also got a beef-related holiday gift idea.
The Growing Popularity of Ethanol
CornTalk is the week’y interview program of the Missouri Corn Growers Association. This week MCGA President, Terry Hilgedick, talks about how the ethanol industry has already surpassed next year’s Renewable Fuels Standard production quota. He describes how grower-owned ethanol plant production is increasing in Missouri and looks forward to next spring’s legislative session and Missouri Governor Matt Blunt’s pledge to support a statewide 10% ethanol/gas blend requirement.
Real Christmas Trees For Troops
Tis the season to be jolly and support our troops. That’s the theme of a holiday promotion by the National Christmas Tree Association (NCTA).
Beef Checkoff Control
Although the Beef Checkoff has strong producer approval there is still some confusion about who actually controls it. Missouri Beef Industry Council, executive director, Steve Taylor, explains in this week’s MBIC Report.
Big Oil Gets The Big Turkey Award
This week’s CornTalk has a holiday them. Missouri Corn Growers Association CEO, Gary Marshall, announces his “Big Turkey Award” which goes to big oil for posting record profits at the expense of consumers. Marshall also gives thanks to Missouri corn growers and lawmakers for supporting the continued growth of ethanol.
Farm Podcasting To Your Customers & Members
Are you still skeptical about the whole podcasting thing we’ve been championing since early this year? Let’s see how skeptical you may be after some new information.
New Holland Teams Up With Michael Peterson
Meet Michael Peterson, country music star, who is about to release a new album that I am sure is going to be a huge hit. The only place you’ll be able to buy one will be your local New Holland dealer. It’s expected out right after the first of the year. Michael was at the recent NAFB Convention. He was a big hit with folks there.
New MBIC Director Stahl
Three newly elected board members for the Missouri Beef Industry Council recently attended their first board meeting. This week we hear from Jay Stahl, region 4, in Southwest Missouri, who is from Lamar.
Missouri River May Rise Twice
This week on Corn Talk, Missouri Corn Growers Association board member, Paul Gross, of Corder, MO, talks about the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Missouri River Annual Operating Plan (AOP) and the concerns of Missouri agriculture with the plan’s not one, but two Missouri River spring rises ordered to take place in late March and early May.