I thought I was done for the day but I thought you might get a kick out of this. Thanks to Micro Persuasion for the link.
Missouri Beef Council Is Blogging
The Missouri Beef Industry Council’s weekly MBIC Report this week is with executive director, Steve Taylor.
Enhancing Value For Missouri Corn Growers
CornTalk is the week’y interview program of the Missouri Corn Growers Association. This week the program features an update on the MCGA Value Enhancement Program. MCGA Director of Market Development, Gary Wheeler, talks about how the organization works to capture value for its members. Additionally, Wheeler discusses the importance to Missouri corn growers of the reopening of the Japanese market to U. S. beef and he offers some advice to growers as they look forward to next year’s crop.
Podcasting Is A BusinessWeek Best Idea of 2005
BusinessWeek has announced their “best” lists for 2005. On the Best Ideas list is PODCASTING.
A Quick Lesson On Quickfarm
If you’re considering ZimmComm’s AgNewsWire.AgWired.com service you may be wondering about what we call the Quickfarm network. In fact, you may wonder just what Quickfarm is.
Podcast Is Word of the Year
According to Podcasting News: “The Oxford University Press, publishers of the New Oxford American Dictionary, has selected podcast as the Word of the Year for 2005.”
Nutritional Advertising By The Beef Industry
The Missouri Beef Industry Council’s weekly MBIC Report this week is with Missouri Beef Council board member John Kleiboeker of California, MO. John talks about the beef industry’s nutrition advertising campaign that will soon be appearing in magazines like Parents, Good Housekeeping, Bon Appetit, Weight Watchers, Shape and Men’s Health.
Will The Missouri River Rise Twice
CornTalk is the week’y interview program of the Missouri Corn Growers Association. The proposed plan by the Army Corps of Engineers to have two spring rises on the Missouri River could create another problem for farmers – crop insurance may not cover any losses as a result. Randy Asbury, Executive Director of the Coalition to Protect the Missouri River, talks about the potential problem and what is being done about it.
AGCO Orange Doing Well
In case you’ve wondered how those orange tractors are doing this week’s ZimmCast is an interview with Todd Stucke, General Marketing Manager, AGCO. I caught up to Todd at the recent NAFB convention.