Event blogging is the new media way to have your event covered. In this week’s ZimmCast you can find out about some of the events on my blogging schedule. If your event isn’t on the list call me to make it so.
Log In To The International Podcasting Expo
This is just a reminder that the virtual International Podcasting Expo is up and running. It’s only $11 to particpate. I’m currently logged in and just missed the latest seminar on the schedule which was, “How To Set Up Your Podcast Using Feedburner.”
iPods Rule
A podcasting blogger can’t pass up the chance to point out how much iPods are playing a role in everyday life.
ZimmCast Gets You Jazzed About NAMA
It’s NAMA Convention week on AgWired and this week’s ZimmCast will help get you jazzed about it. Before getting into that though I review my BIO 2006 convention coverage and talk about the current state of the blogosphere.
Farm Leader Now Farm Podcaster
When your farmer board members tell you to podcast, you podcast. That’s what Dean Kleckner, Truth About Trade & Technology is doing. We brought his podcast to your attention recently and at the BIO 2006 Convention I got to ask him about it. You can hear his answer here:
Kleckner Soundbite (30 sec MP3)
Standard Convention Communications
Here’s some business communicators who are using the new media tools. They’re the International Association of Business Communicators. They’re annual convention is coming up in Vancouver, British Columbia. Can’t make it? Me either. But you can keep up on it with:
Blog, Podcast and RSS Advertising Outlook
There’s some interesting new research out about how advertising on new media outlets is growing. This one comes from PQ Media. You can see an executive summary of the report and even listen (MP3) to it. Some of the report highlights are:
ZimmCast With BIO Sponsor R&K
This week on the ZimmCast I interviewed our BIO 2006 coverage sponsor, Deron Johnson, Rhea & Kaiser Marketing and Communications.
iPod Giveaways Everywhere
There’s no way a podcaster can ignore how many booths are giving away iPods here at BIO 2006. This is just one example (U. S. Pharmacopeia Booth). I think there’s about 1600 companies/organizations exhibiting here. Lots of them are offering this incentive.
Ag Media Summit Seminar
It’s not too early to think about the Agricultural Media Summit in Portland, OR, July 23 – 26. Not much on the website yet but it’ll be there soon.